Chapter 11;

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Chapter 11:

When we got to Midgard, they waited for us once they all saw me they glared.

"Can we put the past behind us for a minute and help her." I stated.

"Help who?" Stark asked.

"Help Rebecca." I said as captain pulled her out. I'm not allowed touch her.

"What happened?" Bruce asked.

"Long story." Thor said.

"Um did her breathing get lighter and slower?" Captain asked.

"We'll take her." Bruce said and stark and Bruce took her to a privet room. A few hours later they let me see her. I walked in and she laid there stilly with all kinds of wires and tubes on her.

"We put her on an oxagan tank and put in an I.V. We also have a heart monitor on her." Stark said.

"You're sure this will help her?" I asked.

"She should be find." Stark said.

"Hey loki do you know anything about her tattoos." Bruce asked.

"Tattoos? She only has one." I said.

"She has one on her arm and one on her neck." Bruce stated.

"I didn't know about the one on her neck." I stated and Bruce moved her head to the left reveling a mark.

"That wasn't there before." I said then I remembered what happened to her.

"Do you have a library?" I asked.

"Ya why?" Bruce asked.

"I've seen that before." I said.

"Bruce do you want to show him?" Stark asked and he nodded. He showed me the way and I looked for the book. When I found it I looked though it and found the mark.

"I found it!" I said and Bruce took me to every body.

"This mark was found on Rebecca's neck. This mark is a symbol of what only come each ten million years. Where a human and dark elf are born at the same time. The mark stance for Myrkr tveir (dark two)." I stated.

"Ok so what do this have to do with anything. She's sick." Stark stated.

"No she's not. It the dark elf. There are 5 stages she'll go through. The first is a little painful. The mark will go to her blood stream and turn the blood black. Then she'll awaken but be very sick. Next she'll b e herself. And that's all it said. I don't know what else will happen to her." I said and they all stared at me.

"Well some ones crazy." Stark muttered.

"I am not crazy. I just love her and I'm positive if this was pepper, jane, or Betty, or Peggy you would try to do some thing. Can I not be wrong on that." I asked.

"How did you know we where dating them?" Steve asked.

"Beauty of course." I said.

"Who?" Bruce asked.

"That's what he calls her." agent Romanova explained.

"You call her that?" Stark asked with a smirk.

"Yes. Now can we get on with it." I said.

"What dose she call you ugly?!" Stark asked laughing.

"No she calls me mischief. For I am the god of mischief." I stated.

"She know the things you did right?" agent Romanova asked.

"Ya mr thunder told her everything." I said.

"Hey I thought she knew." Thor said.

"What ever." I said and looked at the book.

"So tell us you and her have in common." agent Romanova said.

"We have a lot in common and I am not in the mood to tell you." I said.

"Ok." She said and left the room. Bruce and Steve left along with stark how was still laughing.

"You really do love her, bother?" Thor asked and I looked at him.

"I would die for her." I said.

"I feel the same way with jane." He said.

"Why do you asked me this?" I asked.

"Because I don't want this to be a lie and it's really you doing this to her." He said.

"I wouldn't even have the idea to do that." I stated.

"Well then if I remember correctly you wanted to be with her. So come on I'll take you to her." He said and I gave him a nodded and we left to get see her.

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