Let's go on a date

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This one shot is based on Mellowcle's songs "Good Night" and "Where Shall We Go?"


For the February of past two years, Rin's work schedule could never be able to fit any personal plans. However, it's different this year, Rin is surprisingly not as busy compared to the past, and immediately thought about the possibility to celebrate Valentine's Day however she likes. Rin then spent the whole night to list the plan her work schedule, and works like crazy for the rest of January.

It was until the second half of January, Len finally had the chance to talk to her in person, and it was when Rin told him about her plan for Valentine's Day. She got so excited that she forgot to inform her partner. If Len had not asked her, Rin might ended up celebrating Valentine's Day alone despite all her effort to make her self available.

Now the two agreed to make the time, what's left it to plan for the date.

So many ideas flew across Rin's mind, which lead to her promise Len that she'll be in charge of planning, and would tell him before Valentine's Day.

Len was not sure about it, but he barely had the time to finished all of his work and let alone planning for a date, which he decided to trust Rin in the end.

And now, it is the night before Valentine's Day.

Rin just got home and ate some snacks, got into her comfy pajama after shower, and right now she's lying on her bed with her thought going crazy in the head.

She promised to plan for the date, and now her procrastination is coming to bite her in the ass.

Rin looked at so many plans she putted down in note, and now she's still not sure not sure which one to pick. What made her ended up like this is not just procrastination but also her indecisive ass.

Rin decided up look up the weather for tomorrow, since most of her plans are outdoor.

The weather app showed 50% chance of raining. There are equal chances of them able to enjoy the sun or might getting soaked in the rain, and now it's even for Rin to make a decision.

Her index finger slide the depressing weather away, getting back to her note app that makes her sigh, going through the ideas she made.

Now the theater is streaming a movie about love story between two oni that she really wants to see, but didn't know if Len will be as interested.

They had been invited to Valentine party before, and Rin heard they are hosting a dance party at the same place this year. The problem being that everyone will be attending in pretty formal attires, which it'll be difficult to find a set of matching outfits at this time, and she doesn't even know if they'll have the energy to party till the midnight.

Miku even has a collab concert on Valentine's Day this year. Since Miku is going to be there, Rin thoughts it wouldn't be hard for her to nudge to two tickets. But they finally had the chance for a date, and she wants the day to be all lovey-dovey.

There's only one day for Valentine's Day, but everything she wanted to do cannot be finish within the span 24 hours.

Lastly, she looked at the scattered ideas that she probably wrote after she used up all her brain power.

"shopping for clothes, get coffee, watch anime, just anything with Len is fun."

Actually, whether it's watching movies, dancing, go to a concert, or shopping is fine. She just wants to be with her lover on Valentine's Day.

For the past month, they were super busy for today, and they almost didn't see each other during this time, not even talking through text.

She worked har everyday, today was no exception, and her reward is a day off to see him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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