It's all because of the dolls

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​A package arrived at the Kagamine residence. Len opened the package and saw the doll version of themselves inside, it seemed like the company sent them the samples of the dolls that would be on the market in the future.

Rin was so happy and was taking the dolls and taking pictures of them for the past hour. She kept them in her arms as if she didn't want to let go of them.

At first, Len didn't really care what she wanted to do with the dolls. However, after he saw Rin was taking the doll that looked exactly like him with her all morning while kissing and hugging it, he then started feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.

He took out his game console and tried to hide his feelings by avoiding looking at them. Felt embarrassed just because the doll that looks like him made him sound like a loser, or thought he thought to himself.

"Len, don't you think these dolls are cute?" Rin was sitting on the couch and kept on complimenting the dolls in her arms.

"Yea," Len tries to focus more on his game.

"The big smile on the Rin doll was so good! Even though the Len doll has a small smile, it was still super cute too!" Rin hugged the dolls tighter.

"Sure," Len was also pressing the bottoms a bit harder.

Rin finally realized he was being cold as he spoke, she slowly looked towards the back of his head.

"Len? You don't like dolls?"

"I don't have a particular thing for dolls, it's only you who likes dolls," Len spoke a bit more this time, but his voice sounded even colder this time.

As he answered, Rin also saw his ear turn slightly redder.

The girl smiled a little, quietly put the Len doll on the couch, then grabbed her doll-like both of her hands.

"Hey, Len. Look at me." Rin's voice sounded like she was smiling.

"I can't, I'm busy." Len was still looking at the game console intensely.

"Look at me, or you're gonna regret it!" She sounded more aggressive, pretending she was throwing a temper tantrum.

Len sighed loudly, paused the game for a while, and finally turned around towards her with an impatient expression.

Rin suddenly leaned over towards Len with the doll in her hand, then a doll's mouth went straight for Len's lips, stopping all the things he was going to say, probably stopping his brain from functioning too.

"Even though I like the doll, I like the original version better." She said it with the same bright smile as the doll.

After a while, Len's entire face went red because someone just set a fire in his brain. It's because of the kiss from tiny Rin, and also the smile from two Rins were just too powerful for him.

"I can't believe you got all jealous over a doll," Rin was laughing while looking at the embarrassed boy.

"I'm not jealous!"

"Judging by your actions, is there any other possible explanation other than jealousy?" Rin spoke as if she was the winner and continued playing around with him.

"It's all because you were taking the doll that looks just like me, and...kissing and hugging him, which just made me embarrassed!" Len was debating internally for a few seconds but decided to spit it out because he can't let her continue like this.

Rin was shocked by his words. After a while, her face too was all red like his.

"You pervert! They are just dolls, why did you think like that?"

Because of him, she began thinking about what she did to the Len doll but switched to the Len instead. Once she remembered that she just used her doll and kissed Len, now she can't look at the dolls as she did before.

"What do you mean?! I'm just telling you the truth!"

Their faces are red as apples, both could not say a thing and just sat in the living in silence.

It was after a few minutes, Rin used the doll's tiny hand and poked at Len's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I called you a pervert because I didn't know how to react. To show that I'm really sorry, you can have my doll and you can do anything with it,"

When he heard her last sentence, the boy who finally calmed down just then is now agitated again.

"I wonder who's the real pervert..." Len sighed loudly.

"What? I already apologized!" Rin was angry with him but didn't really get his point.

Len took the doll in her hand but put it aside immediately.

"Rather than having my revenge on the doll, I would rather do them to the original." He spoke as he moved even closer to Rin, who was still lying on the couch with her head towards him. At this moment, their nose tips are likely to touch at any point.

"Wait, I take my words back..." As soon as Len's palm covered her cheek, she realized what she had done.

"You called me a pervert, so let's see who's the real pervert." Even though it seems like he was pissed off, with his whisper, the meaning of his sentence changed.

Rin can feel her ears pumping with her heart. The dolls are sitting on the side, while the entire space is occupied by a flirty atmosphere.


Happy 520!(520 sounds like I love you in Mandarin)

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