Valentine without chocolate

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"I'm home..." After a whole day of recording and practicing, Rin was finally able to come home.

"Welcome back, Rin." Kaito just came out from the kitchen with ice cream.

"I'm guessing it's still pretty tough today, huh?" Len was watching TV. Looking at her appearance, he showed her a bitter and worrying smile.

"Yeah, so I'm going straight to bed..."

Rin dragged her tired body back to her room, passed the living room without even raising her head to take a look at Len and Kaito.

Since Valentine's Day is on Tuesday this year, they still wants to celebrate by getting their work done as early as possible. Right now Miku is still in the recording studio, so Rin was glad that she was able to finish her work before midnight. Moreover, the four girls still had to go back to the company to prepare for the special Valentine's Day recording tomorrow morning, and they will had to be there at least till the afternoon.

At the thought of this, Rin can felt her brain is about to burn out, then processed to collapsed on her bed without even changing her clothes, and fell asleep in a blink.

It wasn't until the sun rose that Rin realized that she had fallen asleep, and when she slowly sat up on the bed, Rin realized someone had puts an extra blanket on her.

The one who would come into the room after she fell asleep, and let her sleep on the quilt that was suppose to cover her without waking her up would only be no one but Len himself.

Rin smiled unconsciously and wrapped the blanket around her body a little tighter.

"What time is it......?"

She picked up the phone to check the time, it was six o'clock in the morning on 2/14, and there was a reminder on the screen.

She clicked it suspiciously, and the memo said, "Do not forget to prepare Valentine's Day chocolates for Len 🍫!!!".

It took about three seconds before Rin realized what it was about. She was so busy with work recently, and now she also saw that she putted several sticky notes on her desk in the room with same message. She even set up a memo in her phone, and she was still unprepared.

She kept telling herself that she will finding the time to prepare some kind of surprise for Len, but the damn procrastination still kills her like any other days.

Rin hurriedly reached under the bed, pulled out a small box containing various snacks, and even grabbed the backpack she was using yesterday.

She rummaged through any chocolate-like snacks. Since she would often received snacks or dessert samples from people or shopped some new ones herself. Now she is betting on the possibility that there might be something that could be her last lifeline among them.

"I'm an idiot, idiot, idiot......please give me something decent!"

After fumbling through everything, she looked dead in the eyes with a big bag of chocolate candies in her hand. This is probably the most Valentine-ish item among her snacks, but it just seem too unromantic to just give him the whole bag like this.

"It's over. Do I really have to tell Len that I don't have anything for him this year?"

She knew it would also be feasible to tell Len the truth, or she could also try go to the convenient store to buy chocolates during the break today.

But she didn't want to just give up like this.

Rin looked around, there was a sticky note pad and pens on her desk, and the chocolates in the transparent plastic bag in her hand was packaged like those adorable candies.

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