The first meet

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As the song slowly fades away, panting she comes to a stop. Sounds of crashing waves engulf her as she removes her earphones, the cold sea breeze ruffling her sweaty blue t-shirt giving away her voluptuous figure, tying her hair into a messy bun she slowly walks to her favourite spot in the whole park.Walking with the sea in her eyes, she knocked into someone's coffee, the person holding it cursed as the hot beverage spilt everywhere.

"I am so sorry, I didn't see you, are you okay?" she said concerned, brushing the coffee off of her shirt

"It's okay, I'm fine. Are you okay?" the other one asked looking at the stain

"Yes, I'm fine. Please let me buy you a cup as an apology, I was not very aware of my surroundings" she said cringing 

"Only if you join me" the other person shrugged, she smiled nodding her head 'cute she thought, they walked to the vendor who busily selling the coffee on a cycle.

Sitting on the bench facing the sun and the sea, cooling off her muscles she observed the kids running around the park. The beauty of the park always mesmerizes her, situated on a mountain, halfway up to the peak, where some of the rock is removed to make space for the park and a long road along the coast curving along the mountains; the steep steps snake down the face of the mountain leading to the sea, stones covered with green patches of moss scattered around the coast, making it a scene out of a canvas.

"I am Karishma Singh by the way" The other person extended her hand

"Haseena Malik"

"This is the best bench in the whole park, this wind-beaten tree perfectly covers the bench from the sun and harsh sea breeze" Karishma pointed to the tree on the right whose branches angled to its left "The distance from the railing is perfect to rest our legs, the view is not interrupted by any plants growing on the face of the mountain and those colourful flowers are a feast for our eyes" Haseena stared at her bewildered, sensing her Karishma said"That's why I should keep my silly mouth shut" 

"No, those are the very reasons I like this spot" Karishma smiled and continued

"By the way, it's a great book, you'll enjoy it"

"Great. I started it 2 days ago; it does create a space for itself in your mind"

"I agree, when I first came across it, it had a strange character to it however when you finished it you can't stop thinking about"

"what's your favourite part?" 

"Well, I don't want to give any spoilers. And I have to leave, nice meeting you, have a nice day Karishma" Smiling she stood up 

"Nice meeting you too Haseena, how about a coffee tomorrow?"

"I don't drink coffee!" she smiled biting her lower lip

"YOU DON'T DRINK COFFEE! But why?" Karishma cried and continued "But you do read books! How? Why?" she asked surprised 

"Well, it's for another conversation, see you soon" Haseena smiled, turning in time to hide the rising colour of her cheeks, she walked towards the exit, as Karishma sat with a smitten smile dangling on his lips staring at Haseena's retiring figure.

Haseena entered the building escaping the harsh afternoon sun, walking to the receptionist, she gave her name. After a few minutes she entered a long corridor following her, stopping before the last but one door which read Advocate Neeraj Rai, the receptionist announced her and left. Smiling at Haseena, the lawyer stood up extending his hand

"Thank you so much for seeing me" she smiled taking his hand

"My pleasure Ms Mallik, please have a seat"

"Please call me Haseena" She smiled

"Only if you call me Neeraj" Smiling he continued "Haseena, so how do you know Cheeta?"

"He is my friend's husband, such a sweet soul. I heard you guys are very close friends during your college"

"Yes, we are, however, he is not so sweet soul" they laughed

"I know I can ask his help in this, but I want to keep this under covers until I'm set. Here are the documents"

"As you wish Haseena. I'll check the documents and send you the follow-up documents to your house by evening, it's up to you to decide how to proceed" he said through the documents

"Thank you so much..." before she completed, he spoke "Neeraj" 

"Neeraj. See you soon" Smiling, she left the room.

Haseena parked her car in the cellar, and the lights came to life which notified it was 6 pm, stretching to relax her shoulders from the day's work, she picked up her bag and walked to the lift, as the lift slowly made its way up, she stood watching the light entering into the lift as it crosses every floor, the silence of the steel box is always welcoming to her. She knocked on the door, and a squealing voice answered

 "Hasu maa, your home!" she ran into Haseena's arms.


Hello all, hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Awry. This is going to be a short story and will be updating soon, please do share your thoughts. See you soon in the next part

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Awry - KarEenaWhere stories live. Discover now