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The house looked destroyed. Bits of the roof had caved in, the windows were shining bits of broken glass and the siding was sagging. Jynx wondered if it were enchanted to look rough, so Muggles wouldn't attempt to break in. Had others stayed here for the past ten years? Just waiting for the Dark Lord to return?

There was an awful twitch in Jynx's stomach as she approached the door. One hand wrapped around the knob of the door, while the other gripped her wand in the pocket of her coat. She finally mustered the strength to open the door and it had, in fact, been enchanted on the outside.

The inside was all maroon velvet chairs and sofas in the sitting room. Golden framed portraits and a gorgeous chandelier. It looked vastly different than it did when she was last there. It was dimly lit, only the chandelier held light, the crystals cast rainbows on the ceiling and walls. No one occupied the room and she would not call for them. Her hand held tight to her wand as she moved quietly through the house to the den. The atmosphere was different but the layout was the same.

Her fingers ran along the stone mantel of the fireplace as she moved, remembering the feel of the garland as she strung it across all those years ago. There was only once sconce lit in the room, the shadows of her past loomed in the corners. Her eyes traced her surroundings, her senses on high alert. She rounded the corner to the kitchen and her heart slowed in her chest.

Demi's body was a crumpled pile on the floor across from her, the moonlight from the window flooded over him. He resembled a dropped doll. His skin was pale and she could see no movement. She was beside him before she had even noticed her feet moving, his body pulled into her lap. She brushed the long black hair from his face but he did not open his eyes.

She breathed his name, no more than a whisper. Syllables hung in the air and then dissipated. She shook him, her fingers digging into the muscle on his shoulder. She begged for him to wake, to scream at her, anything. Her own body was cold, grief already creeping into her bones.

"Pity," said an all too familiar, rough voice behind her.

Her skin pricked, she ran her fingers through Demi's hair, not bothering to turn. She whispered his name again, hope creeping between her ribs but never making it to her heart. It fizzled as Demi's head fell limp against her chest.

The ribbon of grief flooded into the rushing river of rage as she turned to face the voice, a snarl that would make Severus proud scrawled across her features. Arvell. Adrian's brother. A disgusting smirk played across his lips as he ran his fingers through the thick brown curls on his head. His eyes were the color of amber, but they were cold.

Greyback stood to his left, just behind his shoulder. She felt the presence of others, but they had yet to make themselves known. Arvell took one step toward her and Jynx laid Demi's body down gently, folding his arms over his torso as if he were sleeping.

She quickly produced her wand, attacking Arvell with a knockback jinx, but he easily deterred it. Greyback flew into the wall just behind him, letting out an irritated grunt. Arvell was a vicious man and an even nastier wizard. He had no qualms about murder, friend or foe.

"I'll die before I read for you," Jynx spat, her tone dripping with dare. She hoped he would kill her, in fact she was betting on it.

Arvell's eyes traced her body, a shiver ran up her spine as her skin prickled under his scrutiny, "Now, there's no need for violence Jynx."

"I disagree," she shot another spell and he sent it away as if it were a bug. Jynx felt her shoulders fall, she had never been good at combat. She lacked the ferocity to be a fearless duelist and Arvell knew it. He wasn't afraid of her, but the feeling wasn't mutual.

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