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A shadow fell over her, looming like the dense clouds of a dreary day. Jynx sat down her Butterbeer, ready to bite into whoever stood over her. Her eyes met his, and all the fight was replaced with fear. She knew she was safe, he wouldn't attack her here. He wouldn't attempt to take her the way he had in the dark. She was safe, for now.

Like Demi, she had believed him dead, but unlike Demi she had reveled in his demise. Smiled at the fact that she may never see his face again or hear his disgusting voice whispering in her ear. He was by far, the most monstrous being she had ever met. The most vile of the beasts that moved in the dark. Her skin crawled as if worms moved under it. Her stomach threatened to repel the Butterbeer she had only taken a few sips of.

He smiled, the wicked smile of a man who knows their very presence upsets the calm of someone's nerves. "Jynx," the long sound of the x drew out between his teeth. She had never hated a sound more than her name on his tongue.

"Adrian," a smirk grew across her face, "I heard you were dead," her tone was disappointed.

His brown eyes glimmered with the dancing fire next to her, they narrowed as he looked down at her. Jynx pushed the memories down, the ones that tried so hard to claw their way out. It helped her maintain the facade that she was not afraid of him.

Truth was she felt him all over her, the traces of him she had so long ago scrubbed away seemed to rise to the surface. More than once he had visited her, far more. She had already started to question her association with the Death Eaters and if anyone else in the Dark Lord's following was like Adrian, she didn't want to be associated with them. To her Adrian was worse than the Dark Lord, because he hid who he was and what he did behind closed doors and silencing spells. The Dark Lord was blunt about his evils.

She wondered if he was one of the ones Severus had been protecting her against, though there was no way he knew of Adrian's true sins. She had never told a soul.

Once again she felt like a bunny in the giant's palm. Thick, massive fingers began to fold around her. She couldn't leave, she could give him no chance to follow or be alone with her. So she sat, waiting for the fist to close around her. To crush her beneath its weight.

She didn't dare make a scene, or draw attention. She felt powerless, which was unlike her. Even in times when she should have felt outnumbered, she never felt defeated. In battles when she should have surrendered, she never did. Now though, in the face of the devil, she felt weak.

However, the black form that had moved through the door was not afraid to make a scene. He was not afraid of the devil, for he had faced many in different ways. She watched as his wand found the back of Adrian's neck and he prickled underneath it, much as she had under his gaze.

Severus' movements were so fluid, they drew no attention from other patrons. He placed a hand on Adrian's shoulder to hide his weapon. Jynx felt her back straighten, the power within her begin to build again as her eyes met Severus'. The fire reflected in his dark eyes, but not from the fireplace. It was an inward fire, one long burning and Adrian had stoked it. The coals lit with ferocity, as if perhaps he did know the demon that dwelled beneath his target's skin.

"Get out," she heard Severus growl through gritted teeth. A warning, much like the snarl of a rabid dog. She almost expected Adrian's body to crumble in front of her, torn from this world by Severus' impatience and rage. She would not feel an ounce of pity for him, he had no soul.

Unfortunately, she would not get to witness such a thing. Adrian's eyes locked on hers before he turned to face Severus. The wand at his back was now aimed at his heart, all too willing to cease its beating. Adrian pushed passed, his shoulder slamming into Severus' before he disappeared out the door.

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