the beam

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  It's only after Lamina's cut the ropes on Marcus's wrists, and his body has fallen to the arena floor, that Sylvia sees her hands start to shake.  Reaching forward, Sylvia gently takes the axe from her hands so she doesn't drop it or accidentally cuts herself, and sets it off to the side on a flat part of the beam.  

  A moment later, a strange whirring sound catches their attention, and Lamina looks up from where she's been staring at Marcus's body.  Sylvia follows her gaze, and they both stand and see what looks to be a repurposed capitol drone.  Suspended under it by some kind of claw is a glass bottle of water.  Sylvia figures this is the supplies that the mentors were talking about, the ones they could send into the arena without having to actually be there. 

  Lamina shifts her feet on the beam, and Sylvia watches as the drone gets closer.  And then she realizes that it's actually coming at them quite fast.  And it's not really slowing down at all, and-

  With a start, Sylvia grabs the back of Lamina's head, forcing her to duck down with her just as the drone speeds through the air where they had been standing a second prior.  There's the sound of a crash, and glass breaking, and then metal falling to the ground.  The two of them look over the edge of the beam and see the broken drone and bottle of water in a pile at the foot of the other pillar.  

  Breathing heavily, Sylvia takes her hand off the back of Lamina's hand, brushing her dirty palms on her shawl.  "You alright?"  She asks, glancing over Lamina's face and body for any sign of injury.  

  Nodding, Lamina sighs.  "I... yeah.  I'm fine.  I mean, except for..."  She gestures to her side, where the cut from the rock is.  

  Bending at the waist slightly, Sylvia tilts her head to examine the cut.  She pulls the ripped part of Lamina's shirt to the side and looks over the cut.  It's not bleeding too bad, and the cut isn't deep at all.  It looks like a surface wound, which isn't really anything to be worried about.  Except for the fact that they don't have proper medical supplies here, much less a fucking bandage.  So what Sylvia's really worried about it the chance of infection.  

  "Okay,"  She mumbles, standing back up straight.  Once again, she brushes her hands on her shawl and glances around at the beam.  She catches sight of another incoming drone, and the two of them get ready to avoid it again, but this one comes slower and much more steadier.  To Sylvia's surprise, it moves to hover right over Lamina's head.

  The other girl keeps her eyes on it, then glances to Sylvia as if she's not sure what to do.  Sylvia shrugs and gestures to the water bottle held in the drone's grip.  "Might as well take it.  It's not coming for your head no more."  

  Lamina shoots her an unimpressed look, and Sylvia smirks.  Nonetheless, the auburn haired girl reaches up and takes the bottle in her hand.  As soon as she grips it, the drone lets it go, and then flies away back out the way it came- through a hole in the ceiling of the arena.  Sylvia watches it exit, and then looks back to where Lamina is weighing the bottle curiously in her hand. 

  "Come here."  Sylvia mumbles, nodding her head towards the pillar that they climbed up.  She walks over to the spot where the pillar meets the beam, forming a sort of right angle that one would be able to rest their back against.  Helping Lamina navigate around her on the beam, she watches the girl sit on the flat part with her back against the pillar, while she herself sits on the beam in front of her. 

  Leaning forward, she reaches to lift up Lamina's shirt just enough so that she can see the wound, but she hesitates just as her fingers touch the fabric.  She looks at Lamina, raising her eyebrows in question.

  Lamina just nods, tilting her head in the opposite direction, a slight grimace on her face as if she doesn't want to see the wound.  

  Sylvia lifts the fabric of Lamina's shirt as gently as she can, examining the cut more closely.  Unfortunately, she's not in a good position to be able to examine it well, and she sighs, sitting back on her heels.  

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