50 Thinga That Tell You You're a Hardcore Doctor Who Fan

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Took me a while lol. Found some of these and wrote some myself :)

1.       You own a sonic screwdriver

2.       You always take a banana to a party

3.       You want to visit Barcelona (the planet)

4.       You freak out when you see a stone angel in a store window

5.       You fast forward in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire to the part where Barty Crouch Jr. is revealed…. Every.Single.Time.

6.       If when you’re going somewhere you say “allons-y” all the time

7.       You wouldn’t mind being abducted by aliens

8.       If you have the theme song as your ringtone

9.       If you’re able to take any word or stem of a sentence and somehow relate it to Doctor Who

10.   If you own a pair of converse similar to the ones the Doctor has

11.   Your new favorite phrase is “Wibbley Wobbley Timey Wimey”

12.   You always count the shadows

13.   You know your obsessed when… RUN!!

14.   You know your obsessed when… what what WHAT!

15.   You swoon at the number ten

16.   You melt when you hear the names Rose, Amy or Rory

17.   You think of “Daleks” when you hear the word exterminate

18.   Your Doctor Who posters are framed on your walls

19.   You’re in any kind of stressful situation and you smile saying “Well that’s not supposed to happen…”

20.   When someone talks about living in a book you say “We’re all stories, in the end.”

21.   Your forum names are those of favorite catch phrase from Doctor Who

22.   Usernames are The Doctors names and phrases

23.   You thought about buying a Tom Baker scarf, but then you realized you’d look ridiculous in public

24.   You want to name your daughter Perpiguliam

25.   You know the names of even minor characters

26.   You have debates with people over who the best doctor is

27.   You know what Time Lord Rock is

28.   You think Chameleon Circuit is the best band in the world

29.   You’ve written a Time Lord rock song

30.   You’re terrified of Angel statues and gas masks

31.   You search your town for blue police boxes

32.   You listen closely for a beat of four drums in your head

33.   You know the history behind Luke, K9, and Mr. Smith

34.   You cried at the end of “Doomsday”

35.   You actually pay attention in science class

36.   You want the opening theme on your iPod’

37.   You understand what “Dimensionally transcendental” means

38.   You search for people with the names John Smith hoping it’s the Doctor

39.   You don’t trust people dressed in Santa costumes

40.   You ought a Fez

41.   You names a trampoline Cassandra

42.   You wonder if our sun is sentient

43.   You wonder if there are still pig-humans living under New York

44.   You wished you lived on Gallifrey

45.   Someone makes the emoticon of ‘-____-‘ and you scream “Face of Boe!”

46.   Over half of the analogies you make are related somehow to Doctor Who

47.   You’d be incredibly scared of there was a such thing as Satellite 5

48.   You’ve constructed a Tardis out of legos out of boredom

49.   You search in mirrors for a girl with a red balloon that isn’t behind you

50.   You answer in Clue is the wasp in the library with the lead piping 

50 Things That Tell You You're a Hardcore FanWhere stories live. Discover now