|Truth be told|VII|

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[Truth Be Told- Chapter 7: Faith's near]


That Morning

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That Morning

The twins had Karen up early so she got up and got them ready for the day which in Karen's mind was to call DCF and get some things resolved.
She made everyone a small breakfast because no one was going to eat since the kids had school and Drew had to go to work. Everyone besides Drew came down to eat breakfast and before they knew it, it was time to go.
Drew came downstairs grabbing his stuff for work...

Drew: Go grab your bags, it's time to go.

The kids finished their food while they did that Karen spoke.

Karen: Uh- Drew why is there a master lock on the basement door? What's that about?

Drew: Oh uh- I'm working down there and I don't want anyone down there.
It's dangerous.

Karen: Well I still have to go down there,
That's where the meat freezer is,
How am I supposed to get my meat?

Drew: I'll go get it.

Karen: No what if your not home?

Drew: Then call me, I'll get it for me, or tell me before I go to work.

Karen: Drew just give me the key.

Drew: I just told you it's dangerous down there.

Karen: You and Kierra were just down there last night.

Drew: After she left I did some work,
Like I said no. You'll be fine and those stairs are taken down because Karen got hurt the other night going down there so I'm redoing those too.

Karen: What? I didn't know about that.

Kierra: Oh yeah ma, it was major so I didn't really need to say anything.

Drew: We gotta go Karen.
We'll see you later.
Kierra, J Drew let's go.

J Drew: I'm coming! I can't find my book bag!!

Drew: Clean that room up and you'll find it. It's ridiculous J Drew, you're the only one in that room! Ki the car is unlocked get in.

Kierra: Okay Dad, See you later Mommy!
Bye Nova and Nola!

Kierra left and went into the garage to get in the car then after a few minutes came down and got in the car.

Drew: Karen don't go messing with that basement door.

Karen: I won't.

Drew: Karen I know you. Just don't touch it.

Karen: Fine.

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