Chapter 32: Run, Boy, Run

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Daryl didn't buy Shane's story for a second, and based on the look Lauren shot him, neither did she. He had stumbled out of the trees with blood running down his face. He told some story about Randall sneaking up on him and attacking him. That's how he managed to escape... allegedly.

"Hershel T-dog, get everyone back in the house." Rick commanded. "Glenn, Daryl come with us."

"I'm coming too." Lauren insisted, but Rick shut her down before she could say anything else. She shot Daryl a desperate glance, knowing they shared the same concerns regarding Shane.

He just nodded curtly. "I'll keep an eye on him." He said lowly, before following the others into the treeline.


"I'm going after them." Lauren said, pacing across the living room. "They've been gone too long."

The four men had been gone long enough that the sun was starting to set and the sinking feeling in Lauren's stomach was only getting worse. Shane's words kept replaying in her mind.

..."I'm gonna do whatever I gotta do to keep you Carl and Lori safe, you understand? And if Rick's got a problem with that... then he's just gonna have to deal with it."...

What the hell did that mean? Whatever he has to do? She didn't know what Shane was planning but after his stunt at the barn, she had little faith in any of his plans.

Carol and Lori called after her as she hurried out the front door but she brushed them off. "I won't go far."

And she kept her word, Lauren only made it a few yards from the porch before she spotted Glenn and Daryl. Her relief in seeing them was short-lived however when she noticed the absence of Shane and her brother.

"Where are Rick and Shane?" She questioned

"They ain't back yet?" The archer's brow furrowed

"No..." Lauren felt the pit in her stomach grow. "You guys split up?" There was an edge to her voice as she shot Daryl a look. So much for keeping an eye on them.

"We heard a shot, you think they found Randall?" Lori asked as the rest of the group emerged from the house onto the porch.

Still heading towards the house, Daryl went on to explain how that couldn't have been the case, as he and Glenn had already found Randall. Only it wasn't exactly Randall, rather, his walker form.

"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel queried.

Daryl shook his head. "No, the weird this is he wasn't bit. His neck was broke."

"So, he fought back." Lori concluded, trying to rationalize how he had ended up that way.

"The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other." Daryl explained, shaking his head like he was trying to make sense of it himself. "And Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't come up behind him. They were together."

That was the final straw. Lauren had been weary of Shane since that night at the CDC, but now he was out there alone with Rick.

"Where the hell are you going?" Lori asked as Lauren brushed past her.

"I'm gonna go find Rick," Lauren threw her hands up. "And figure out what the hell is going on."

Daryl followed Lauren onto the porch. "I'll find 'em. Stay here."

"No, I'm not just gonna stay here! He's my brother-" Lauren trailed off when she noticed the archer's gaze drift behind her. His eyes narrowed as he tried to make out whatever it was he was looking at.

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