Chapter 17: Taking The Blame

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Lauren's stomach was still in knots as she made her way from the Greene house to their camp. She had been putting off talking to Lori for hours. What was she even supposed to say? Hey, Lori, I heard you're pregnant with someone else's kid and also that you slept with my brother's best friend when you thought he was dead"?

She spotted Lori sitting with Carl off at the edge of camp, isolated from the others. Guess she just needed to bite the bullet.

"Hey." Lauren said softly, placing a hand on Lori's shoulder as she came up behind her.

Lori mustered up a fake smile. "Hi, Honey."

"Hey, Carl?" Lauren called to the boy who was playing a few meters away in the grass. "Can you do me a huge favor and go get me Dale's copy of Pride and Prejudice from the RV? It's in there somewhere."

He nodded before running off towards Dale.

"This is for you." Lauren said, handing the hot mug in her hands over to Lori. Lori turned to her, grateful, though a bit confused by the sudden gesture.

"It's tea," Lauren added. "I remember you used to drink it when you were pregnant with Carl since you couldn't drink coffee."

Her eyes widened and she looked quickly at the ground, avoiding Lauren's gaze. "How many people know?" She asked quietly.

"Just me and Dale," Lauren assured her. "Just a word of advice; if you want something kept secret, don't tell Glenn."

Lori nodded, still focused on the ground. "We shouldn't talk about this right now. Carl will be back any minute."

"No he won't" Lauren said matter of factly. "Dale doesn't have a copy of Pride and Prejudice. I just needed to get him out of here."

Lori sniffled and when she finally met Lauren's eyes, hers were glistening with tears that threatened to spill. "What do I do?"

"I can't tell you that." Lauren said, placing a hand on Lori's shoulder. Lauren paused, afraid to ask her next question. "It's not Ricks... is it?"

Lori looked away once again, unsuccessfully trying to hold back her tears. She shook her head, wiping her cheeks. "It's Ricks."

But it wasn't... Lauren knew that. Lori had to know Lauren knew that, the math just didn't make any sense. "But-"

"It's Rick's" Lori repeated firmly.

Lauren bit the inside of her cheek anxiously. She genuinely had no idea how she was supposed to handle this situation. She almost wished she hadn't even asked Glenn about it in the first place.

"Does he know?" Lauren asked hesitantly. Lori sniffled and shook her head. Lauren sighed, grappling with her consensus. Rick was her brother, she felt a sort of guilt keeping this kind of thing from him. But this wasn't her business to share, even with him. "I won't tell him."

Lori looked at her, wiping her tear-stained cheeks. "Really?"

Lauren nodded. She was quiet for a moment before she placed a comforting hand on Lori's shoulder. "Lori, whatever you decide to do, I'll support you...if you need anything talk to me or Glenn and we'll go out on a run. He can't keep a secret for shit but he really does want to help...but I think you should talk to Rick."

Lori gave her sister-in-law a look of strained hope. "Thank you, honey."

Carl suddenly came running up. "I couldn't find that book anywhere." He huffed.

"It's alright, bud. I'll find something else to read. Thank you, though." Lauren gave Lori one last look before retreating to her tent.


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