Chapter 13: And So It Begins

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Well, apparently Glenn almost died for nothing. The whole stupid plan turned out to be a waste. When they pulled the walker out from the well, its flesh was so bloated and weak that the rope seemingly cut right through it. They pulled it almost all the way to the top when the string sliced its body in half, sending its innards back into the (probably already contaminated) water.

So Glenn and Maggie headed off into town. As promised, Andrea and Shane took Carol back to the highway to see if Sophia had found her way back. Dale and T-Dog wandered off to do who knows what, and Lauren headed to the Greene's house in search of Hershel. She figured somebody ought to let him know that one of their wells was no longer usable due to the rotting intestines and whatever other body parts were floating around on there.

Lauren walked into the house, checking the living room first. "Hershel?" Empty. "Hello?"

She made her way into the kitchen, not wanting to go upstairs. After all, this wasn't her house. She stopped in front of the fridge. A few pictures were hung up with magnets. One picture showed what seemed to be the entire Greene family; Maggie, Hershel, a younger blonde girl, a young boy, and an older blonde woman. Another was of Patricia and a man who Lauren assumed to be Otis. A few others were scattered amongst the fridge, some of Maggie and the younger boy and girl, another of the young blonde girl and a boy Lauren had seen walking around the property.

"Can I help you?"

Lauren jumped as a voice came from behind her. She turned to come face to face with the blonde girl from the pictures. "Sorry, I just uh- I was looking for Hershel. Something happened with one of the wells, the waters not usable anymore."

"I can tell him." She said simply.

"Thanks. I'm Lauren, by the way. I don't think we got the chance to meet."

"I know who you are." She responded. "You're related to the boy. My dad says you helped them save him."

Alright, so she's Hershel's daughter. "Oh, that was all your dad and Patricia. I just did what they told me to do." Lauren laughed lightly.

"I'm Beth." She stuck out her hand and Lauren shook it. "The dog that's been running around, is he yours?"

"Oh, yeah that's Tank. Sorry, has he been bothering you?" Lauren asked, afraid that he had maybe caused some sort of disturbance.

"No! Not at all. He's real cute. I always wanted a dog, Daddy never let us have one." Lauren breathed a sigh of relief. "I met him earlier before your boyfriend took him out to look for that girl."

"My Boyf-? Oh, Daryl ? He's not my boyfriend." Lauren laughs awkwardly. "I actually don't even know if we're friends. We're more like... people who happened to survive together."

"Oh, so you're with the other boy then? The Asian one?" She asked.

Lauren shook her head with a small smile. "No. Glenn's like my best friend here."

"There's a lot of you," Beth observed. "How do you all know each other?"

"Yeah, there's quite a few of us. I guess the end of the world has a way of bringing random people together." Lauren looked at Beth, who seemed genuinely curious about the camp dynamic. "C'mere I'll show you."

Beth followed Lauren onto the porch, giving them a clear view of the camp. "The boy inside is Carl, my nephew. And that woman right there," Lauren said pointing to Lori who was hanging up a few clotheslines near the tents. "That's Lori, his mom. Shane, the guy with the shaved head, isn't related to us but he's basically my second brother. He was the first person to find our old camp, with Lori and Carl."

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