Chapter 22: Jump Then Fall

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Lauren rushed into the house, following Glenn up the stairs to what she assumed was Beth's bedroom. When she entered the room, she saw Maggie sitting on the edge of the bed where Beth was lying, gripping her hand and speaking to her softly.

"Sweetie, can you hear me?" Maggie asked. Beth didn't respond, she simply stared up at the ceiling above her. Maggie turned to Lauren and Glenn as they walked in, looking utterly helpless. "What's wrong with her?"

Lauren approached the bed and Maggie moved over slightly to allow a better view. Beth stayed staring at the ceiling. If it wasn't for her blinking, you wouldn't even be able to tell if she was alive. Lauren reached down to Beth's wrist, feeling her pulse.

"She's in shock." Lauren said, turning to Maggie. "Where the hell is your dad?"

"We can't find him anywhere." Glenn told her.

Lauren sighed. "Get Rick."

Lauren Maggie and Glenn joined Lori Rick and Shane in the master bedroom. A few boxes were open on the bed.

"What's all this?" Lauren wondered aloud, looking around at the clutter.

"Your stepmother's things?" Rick guessed, looking to Maggie for confirmation.

She nodded and sighed. "He was so sure she'd recover and they'd just pick up where they left off."

"What's this?" Shane asked, picking up an old liquor flask that had been sitting on the bed.

Maggie's brows furrowed in confusion as she looked at the flask. "It belonged to my grandfather. He gave it to Dad before he died..."

"Didn't take Hershel for a drinker." Rick commented.

Maggie shook her head, still looking confused, like she was trying to understand why the flask would even be out. "No, he gave it up the day I was born."

"...any chance he could've picked it back up?" Lauren asked almost timidly, not wanting to be the one to outright say it.

Everyone's head turned to Lauren as she asked the question. Maggie shifted nervously, contemplating. With the look Lori gave you would've thought Lauren had accused Hershel of downright murder.

"What? It's not that crazy of a question!" Lauren crossed her arms defensively and shrugged while she elaborated. "People are more vulnerable to relapsing after traumatic events and that was pretty traumatic... It was just a thought."

Maggie shook her head, not wanting to accept the idea. "No. No, he didn't even allow liquor in the house."

Lauren bit the inside of her cheek, regretting even suggesting that could be the case until Rick spoke. "Is there a bar in town?"

"Hatlins." Maggie sighed, finally starting to come to terms with the situation. "He practically lived there in his drinking days."

Rick nodded, thinking to himself. "Then I'm guessing that's where I'll find him."

"I've seen the place, I'll take you." Glenn said, stepping forward.

"No." Maggie grabbed his arm, looking at him nervously.

"It's an easy run." Glenn reasoned, trying to calm her worries.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Like the pharmacy?"

"We'll bring him back, Maggie." Lauren promised.

Rick paused, furrowing his brow. "Lauren, you're not going."

"Oh yes, I am." She barely let Rick finish his sentence before she spoke. "Glenn and I have gone on dozens of runs with no issue and the two times I haven't gone Merle has ended up handcuffed to a roof and Maggie has been attacked. We're not arguing about this, let's go."

Rick, Lauren, Shane, and Lori entered the hallway, leaving Maggie and Glenn to work it out. Rick went first, followed by Lori who called after him.

"Rick? You wanna have a conversation about this before you leave?" She asked, clearly irritated that he had once again volunteered himself without consulting her.

"You seriously gonna head off after this guy with everything that's going on?" Shane followed them out, equally if not more annoyed than Lori.

"He's right." Lori continued. "It's not the time to head off, not today."

Rick sighed and turned to face them. "I'm not arguing. It's the least I can do for Hershel after..."

"After what , Rick?" Shane dared him to continue.

"After your little stunt at the barn today," Lauren muttered shoving past Shane. She was so fed up and exhausted with everything she was at the point where she didn't even care if she pissed him off. "Because he wouldn't even be out there if it weren't for that."

Shane sent her a glare and Lauren returned it before turning to Rick. "Bring the car around. I'll drop Tank off with Dixon and then we can head out."

With that, she turned and walked back down the stairs with Tank following behind her, leaving Rick to deal with whatever Lori and Shane had left to say.

Lauren trudged out to Daryl's tent, which he had managed to move remarkably fast. Presumably wanting some solitude, Daryl had shifted his own mini camp further out into the field than the rest of them. As she approached, she saw Daryl sitting on an old tree stump, sharpening one of his bolts with his large hunting knife. He seemed to be deep in his own thoughts as she approached.

"Well, you moved fast." Lauren commented, using it as a way to alert him of her presence.

"Yeah, tryna get away from you people." Daryl glanced up for a split second, half expecting her to leave, before dropping his head again and focusing on his task. "The hell d'ya want?"

"Uh, I was wondering if you could watch Tank for a bit?" She asked hesitantly, sensing his mood. "I've gotta help Rick-"

"Ain't my problem." He cut her off, not even looking up.

Lauren blinked, a bit taken aback by his response. "I know that. I just-"

"And yer mutt ain't my problem neither." He spat bitterly. "I ain't yer damn dogsitter."

"Where is all this coming from? Daryl, if you had an issue watching Tank before you could've just told me that, I would've asked Carl or-"

"Maybe you should just watch him yourself for once." He quipped.

Her brows furrowed as she crossed her arms defensively. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothin'." Daryl scoffed, shaking his head to himself. "Jus leave me be. I'm done solvin other people's problems."

Lauren just stood there for a moment, unsure how to respond as she was so caught off guard by the outburst. Finally, she regained her composure, turning on her heel and muttering as she walked away. "Fine, fucking dick."

Lauren huffed as she walked back towards the farmhouse where Rick was pulling up the car. She saw Maggie give Glenn a kiss goodbye before he hopped into the passenger seat.

"I don't know who shoved a stick up Dixon's ass, but I wouldn't go over there," Lauren warned as she walked past the rolled-down window. Rick and Glenn's eyebrows raised in curiosity. She walked over to Maggie who was standing on the porch. "Maggie, I know you've got a million things to worry about with Beth right now but could you tell Carl I need him to watch Tank while we're gone? If you can't find him, then Lori or Shane can-"

"I'll make sure someone keeps an eye on him." She reassured her, giving her a small nod of encouragement.

"Thank you." Lauren let out a breath of relief. Lauren noticed Maggie's eyes dart anxiously over her shoulder, glancing at Glenn in the car. "I promise we'll bring him back in one piece."

Maggie gave a half laugh and nodded, Lauren turned toward the truck.

"Lauren," Maggie called out when Lauren was nearly at the vehicle. "Thank you."

Lauren gave a small smile and nod before hopping into the backseat. She slammed the car door closed and Rick took off down the long dirt driveway. Lauren inhaled a deep breath as she buckled her seatbelt, preparing herself for whatever inevitable shitstorm they would find at this bar. 

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