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Mathew stood just outside the duke's manor the next morning, looking up at the taunted building. With a sigh he pushed the gate and knocked on the door a bald middle-aged servant opened the door with a tight smile. "May I help you sir?" 

"I need to speak with the duke." Mathew informed, and the servant nodded opening the door. "Please come in sir, he has been expecting you." With furrowed brows Mathew enters, and the man leads him down a series of halls. Staff members were ducking into their rooms when they see him enter. They looked almost fearful here, a strict contrast compared to Downton. Mathew was led to the duke's study, where he sat starring down at a set of papers. "A Mr. Crawley for you sir." 

The duke looked up; his bruises turned a sick looking yellow. "Mr. Crawley please sit." Mathew didn't sit, he stood glaring at the man. "How did you know I was coming?" 

"Well, I would assume once you were kicked out of the Crawley family dinner, it would be only natural." Jack said smugly looking around his study, and Mathew couldn't help but laugh dryly and his audacity. "You truly believe I was kicked out." The duked quirked a brow, and Mathew shook his head. "No, no just a misunderstanding you see. I mistake on my part, I let a rat go before I could see where he scurried off too." Mathew sat down and crossed his legs, "well then Mr. Crawley, what did happen?" 

"What should have always happened, I told her." 

"You told her what exactly?" Mathew met the dukes' eyes, and with a stern voice he said; "I told her. I told her everything. How you came in to my office, how you view her, how I view her." Now it was the duke's tern to laugh, "how precious- " 

"I told her how much I love her." Mathew interrupted getting annoyed by the man's presence not an uncommon accordance for the two. The duke sighed taking a sip of his tea that has go cold, "son, love has no place here. Do you really think she wants you because of love? Mr. Crawley please don't be so naive." Mathew shook his bawling his fists, "No-" 

"Yes, all she want's is the same thing all those Crawley sisters want. That estate. After all she grew up there, and you come in and take it." The duke starts to tsk at the man, "no, she is like that. My Y/n isn't like that." 

"That's the thing Mr. Crawley she isn't yours. She never was. Will that be all?" Mathew looks down and with a heavy heart he nodded.


Mathew knows Y/n isn't that way. He knows she is kind. He knows she loves him, and he loves her. Although in the back of his mind the dukes' words play over in his head. He walks up the steps of Downton, and before he can knock on its great doors something catches his eye. Y/n sitting in a tree, reading a book. Her skirt blowing in the wind, her hair tied back. She looked so, so beautiful. mindlessly his feet shuffle to the tree, he leans on it and watches her read. Listing to her hum. 

She looks down at him, with a small grin. "Hello," she hummed closing her book with a snap. "Hello." He hummed looking up at her ignoring the sun in his eyes. The sun that made her cast an image of an angel. "You missed brunch, your mother was furious." She laughed, and he sighed. "I'm truly sorry I lost track of time." She frowned, "what were you doing?" Mathew didn't answer and he looked down at his shoes. Y/n climbed down, to which he gave her his hand for help. They stood under her tree staring at each other, he leans in and kisses her lightly. 

"I adore you." He mumbled into her lips, so softly that she could barely hear him. She looked back up into his eyes. "What did you do today?" 

"I went to see the duke." Y/n breath hitched, and Mathews arms tightened around her. "And what happened?" 

"He said that you only want me, because of the estate." Y/n nodded looking down then back up, "do you believe him?" She asked softly, hesitantly Mathew answered "no." 

"You don't sound so sure." 

"I am, it's just that, he is," He sighed in frustration dropping his head to her should. Kissing it as he moved his head slowly up. "He will always see himself a suitor if you have a barren hand." 


"Marry me Y/n. Be my wife. I promise I will forever protect you from men like the duke." Mathew says hopefully, and smiles from ear to ear. Y/n furrows her brows and pushes herself away slightly. "No." 

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