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Y/n pov:

Today was her birthday. About a year ago, my older sister Claire died of terminal cancer. She was everything my parents could ask for. She was beautiful and smart, and my parents were convinced she would go far.

But in her senior year of high school, my sophomore year, she was diagnosed with cancer. No less than 6 months after that, she passed.

Soon after that, my dad got a job offer in America. It was better that way, right? We could just start over. No, not really.

My parents didn't seem to care much about me anymore. I wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. I was enrolled in the first public school they could find, and from then on, they proceeded to neglect me.

The times when they did acknowledge me made me wish that they would just forget about my existence. That's why I'm not even at my house right now.

I was just lectured on how it should've been me. Claire had been perfect, and I was nothing. I was a failure, and she had achieved everything.

I left the house without a second thought and found myself standing at the edge of a bridge. I looked down at the rushing water of the river below. I had debated something like this many times. Maybe it would just be better if I was dead, too.

The moonlight caused the water to glow a pale blue color. It was beautiful. And I decided it wouldn't really be that bad if that was the last thing I saw.

But one thing seemed to stop me. It was faint, and frankly, it was a pretty stupid reason. The reason was actually a person. A streamer named Tommyinnit.

It was weird because I had never interacted. I was just another voice in chat. But he had unknowingly gotten me through so much.

But for the past few weeks, he hadn't streamed or uploaded any videos. He was no longer there when things in my life became increasingly difficult. Especially now on Claire's birthday when emotions are high.

"Oi!" I heard a voice yell from behind me. I startled, and my body started leaning over the edge, a little too far. I pinwheeled my arms to try and regain my balance.

Panic ran high as my body teetered precariously on the edge. A hand grabbed on to mine, and I used it to steady myself. I slowly turned around and saw a silhouette, decidedly male, in the darkness.

I jumped down, off the edge. "What the heck?" I yelled, ripping my hand out of his. My accent became more pronounced than it had been in a while. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," He replied nervously.

I immediately took notice of his thick British accent. I crossed my arms and sighed, looking at him. "You're British," I observed.

He nodded his head. "Why are you in America?" I asked. "I'm visiting a friend," He responded. I nodded slowly and turned back around, leaning on the bridge and looking out at the water.

"Why were you standing on the bridge? It's a bit dangerous, don't you think?" He inquired. I sighed and looked down slightly. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," He said, noticing my discomfort.

"I'm just having a hard day," I said, my voice cracking unexpectedly. I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears. "You know I was gonna do it, but the most stupid thing stopped me," I continued.

"It wasn't stupid if it stopped you," He said softly. "What was it?" He asked hesitantly. "It was just- it was a streamer that I watch." I said, feeling my face heat up from the embarrassment of saying it.

He turned his body towards mine, leaning on the bridge and giving me his full attention. "Which streamer?" He asked curiously. "Tommyinnit," I said softly, looking away.

He hummed softly. "But he hasn't done any streaming or uploads in a few weeks. That's what usually gets me through everything. But without it, my will to live degrades." I said, laughing a little at my choice of words.

"If he streams in the next week, do you think you would be willing to try and pull through a little longer?" He asked. I tilted my head towards him. The moonlight outlined his silhouette faintly, but I still couldn't make out any of his features.

"That's a pretty big if," I said, smiling faintly. "It is, but would you?" He asked. I pondered it for a few seconds. "Yes," I said, nodding my head.

I could tell he was smiling. "Ok," He said. He stood up fully and stopped leaning on the wall. "I should probably go before my friends start calling me. Or worse, they actually come looking for me." He said.

I laughed at the last part. "Ok, bye," I said, waving before he turned around and started down the road. I smiled a little bit, then turned around and started walking back towards my house.

* Four days later*

My phone buzzed, and I picked it up. The notification read, "Tommyinnit is live!". "No freaking way," I whispered to myself, clicking on the notification and sitting down at my desk.

"Hello, boys! Welcome back to the stream!" He said enthusiastically, opening his coke and taking a sip. "No freaking way," I whispered to myself again.

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