Chapter 3. Accidental Angel

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"A national emergency?!" Theo's voice was filled with disbelief. He was in his boss's office at the Guardian House, struggling to comprehend the instructions he had just been given.

"You heard correctly. Our airspace has been violated," Captain Mark Thompson replied, hastily donning his jacket as he prepared to join the emergency team. Captain Thompson was a man in his forties and possessed graying hair at his temples that accentuated his gray eyes. "Don't be frightened, rookie. The Special Division has already apprehended the intruder. Our task is to assist with the interrogation."

"Yes, sir!" Theo nodded, attempting to conceal his irritation at being referred to as a 'rookie.' It was disheartening that this man underestimated him. Theo had worked hard at Triville, earning the respect of his previous boss. Now, having transferred to the capital, Middle Lake, he found himself starting from square one. Though he wasn't thrilled about it, he was determined to rise to the challenge.

They stepped outside and positioned themselves on the porch, awaiting the arrival of the carriage. Captain Thompson retrieved his cigar and ignited it, a habit that Theo suspected was intended to mock him. The captain always smoked whenever they were about to enter a room or carriage together, subjecting Theo to the noxious fumes.

Taking a drag from his cigar, Captain Thompson exhaled the smoke through a chipped tooth. Gee, Theo thought, even his smoking technique is repulsive.

Suppressing the urge to scowl, Theo shifted his attention to the fence. It helped to divert his focus from his boss. The road beyond the black metal barrier appeared unusually tranquil. A gray mist hung in the sky above the downtown area, creating an incongruous atmosphere for such a sunny day. Ann was meant to attend the University of Arts, and it was located in that part of the city. This thought stirred a tingling sensation in his heart. Is she safe?

"Sir, what happened there?" Theo asked, his worry evident in his voice.

Captain Thompson gestured towards the downtown area, straining Theo's nerves. "Someone employed forbidden magic. Right in the heart of the city."

Theo swallowed. "Are there... any casualties?"

The captain shot him an irritated glance. "I've heard there was a young woman involved. But that's all I know, rookie. So, please, do us a favor and remain quiet until we arrive and gather more information."

His heart sank. There was nothing he could do but compose himself and feign patience.

* * * * *

The journey felt interminable. When the carriage finally came to a halt at the city plaza, Theo yanked open the door and leaped onto the pavement. The air hung heavy with humidity, as if they were trapped within a storm cloud that had chosen this spot to rest after traversing the sky.

Theo had never witnessed such peculiar weather fluctuations, except when he was with Ann. He scanned the surroundings, hoping that his girlfriend hadn't been the one to unleash her powers in the city center, violating both civil laws and the laws of nature. He only needed to find a way to explain her reckless actions to his new boss.

Yet, there was no sign of Ann. Instead, a crowd had gathered around the old church. Special Division soldiers stationed at the massive doors, guarding them diligently.

Captain Thompson moved closer, gesturing towards the scene. "The intruder is trapped inside."

Theo regarded him with anxiety. "Are you certain it was the woman who caused all of this?"

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