Chapter 9. Lost Forever

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In the morning, Ann walked hand in hand with Charlie into the student cafe. Charlie preferred grabbing his breakfast outside, which was unusual for Ann. She had even suggested cooking for herself, but with Charlie's mini-fridge filled with smelly sandwiches and oddly colored liquids in glass bottles, it wasn't easy to find proper ingredients. So, they agreed on ordering waffles with cream and coffee.

As they approached the bar stand, Charlie began placing his order, giving Ann a moment to look around. At such an early hour, only a few people, mostly students, occupied the tables. They ate absent-mindedly, their focus on their study books. Then, Ann's eyes locked with a man sitting at a corner table. Theo?

Her heart skipped a beat as he stood up and walked towards them. Instinctively, Ann stepped back and nearly stumbled over a chair.

"Are you alright?" Charlie asked, catching her hand.

She found herself unable to utter a word, her gaze fixed on Theo in silence. He must have thought I found a new lover, she thought as fear crept in. But then, Ann reminded herself that she had done nothing wrong, and it was Theo who needed to explain himself. It gave her the courage to meet his gaze.

Before Ann could say anything, Charlie stepped in. "What the hell do you want from her?"

Theo gave him a despicable look. "Mind your own business."

"Ann is my good friend, and her emotional well-being is my business."

Theo shifted his eyes towards her, and she noticed the pain within them. Then, he blinked, and his frustration seemed to vanish. "I hope he treated you well last night."

Ann opened and closed her mouth, unable to reply. Charlie spoke up on her behalf. "That's right. We had a great night and a lot of fun."

Theo nodded, his gaze still fixed on Ann. "I see. Well, you've made your choice, then."

"She won't keep leaving with you, you moron," Charlie retorted.

Theo took a step closer to Charlie, his pupils turning a deep burgundy shade. Ann had never seen him in this state before, but she remembered him mentioning that his vision became blurred when he felt angry. It was because of his Fire Gift, and Theo had the potential to ignite this peaceful place with his flames at any moment.

As Ann's heart raced, a thunder rumbled outside. She had to close her eyes and take a deep breath to calm herself. She couldn't risk activating another emergency alarm.

Charlie squeezed her hand. "Please, don't be nervous. You're safe here."

"I know," Ann replied, her voice steady.

She turned her attention back to Theo. He seemed to be captivated by the window, as if the thunder held more interest for him than anything else. Even more than me, Ann noted with a pang of unfairness. Why did I deserve all of this? There was only one way to find out, even though she didn't want to engage in conversation with him. "Alright, Theo. You came here to talk to me, I assume. So, let's talk."

Theo gave her a hesitant look. "Oh, it's nothing too urgent. I just wanted to discuss where to send your stuff."

"My stuff?!" Ann couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What does that mean?"

"He means your clothes," Charlie clarified. "I suppose he can have the boxes sent to the dorms, so you won't have to see him anymore."

"That's correct," Theo confirmed. "To the dorms it is. I'll cover the delivery charges, so don't worry about that."

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