18. Are we pa?

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March 15, 2017



"He's still not here," Kane walked towards Orion and spoke softly, "is there anyone else you can call?"

Orion leaned his head back and sighed, "he'll be here, he wouldn't ruin this surprise for Nala—he'd probably drive to this bitch on two wheels to get me before he didn't show up," he joked to make light of the situation, Kane chucked. "If all else fails, I'm sure you can get off early and take me there,"

"You wouldn't be going straight there, but, I'd take you nonetheless," he leaned agaist the wall outside of the prison, "I'm going to miss you man,"

"Don't act like we won't be around eachother no more, you can't get rid of me that easily." Orion stepped closer to him and pulled him closer, "you'll have better access to me now that I'm outside of these walls...I'll have better access to you as well," he smirked.

Kane sucked his teeth and pushed him away, "you not fuçking me nigga—you getting fucked' I don't play that shit bro,"

"Like you ain't play about sucking dick, getting ya ass played with, sucking toes, or calling another nigga daddy," Orion spoke casually, "youn' think you'll bottom for me? Be forreal,"

The air had suddenly became thick, Kane cleared his throat and faced the sounds of a car door opening and closing. Orion looked too, Kasim stood there leaned against the car eyeing the two. "There go ya boy' guess I'll see you later?" Kane spoke and stood up straight.

Nerves struck Orions body, he was still shocked at the fact that he was now a free man. Monday, his hearing had went better than he had anticipated, his release had been set for Wednesday—today—and that had freaked him out. He knew that he could thank the warden for all of this, he had been working hard to get him out for the past year alongside his lawyer. The moment was finally here and Orion wasn't sure how to feel about it, reality hadn't quite set in. The thing he knew for sure though was that he was ready to ease Nala's wandering mind and see her today, he had been avoiding all of her questions and concerns.

Orion hated to hear or see her cry so it killed him to keep this secret, even it was just for three days.

He had reached out to Kasim Monday with the idea of the surprise for her—Kasim quickly was on board and said he'd handle everything.

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