9. Just believe me

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Be sure you've read last chapter, "8. Misunderstood"

February 22, 2017

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February 22, 2017


Nala tuned everything and everyone out around her as she moved through the crowd, her eyes focused on one person.

Due to unexpected bad weather in the direction they were headed—the cruise had returned to Miami earlier than expected, and as soon as they stepped foot off of the ship Destiny had bumped her hard making her spill scorching hot coffe down her shirt, and she had moved through the crowd as if she hadn't done a thing—causing Nala to follow her without Kasim's nor Zuri's knowledge who was busy getting their bags situated. Something in Nala's gut told her not to follow her but the built up anger inside of her won against her first mind—especially when someone picked at her and she wasn't confrontational at all. She hated when someone tried to bully her. It took her down her dark past and triggered her—those days were over.

Once she made it to where Destiny had walked to she chuckeld seeing a group of women dressed down, and with their hair tied back. It was clear that she'd called them and told them to be at the drop off location because Zuri had indeed promised her when they touched the states that they'd fight—it was like Destiny to need back up when they could have went one on one.

"Yeah—you bitches thought y'all was gonna jump me huh?" Destiny laughed and tied her hair up, "wassup now?"

Nala laughed, "we all know Zuri would have beat you by herself, which is why you needed back up.."

"Look bitch—ain't no talking, you followed her so swing or get touched," one of the women said, "y'all mad that her nigga chose her and that's okay, wack bitches lose all the time. It's not her fault that she was a punching—-"

Nala had swung and hit the woman in the mouth and it made her stumble back in shock, Nala knew she had little time before she got jumped so she focused on Destiny and ran up to her and began to fight her. She got the upper hand and that's when she felt her body began to be hit from every which way but Destiny was who she wanted so she didn't take her eyes off her as she sat on top of her punching her repeatedly in the face. Her screams were music to her ears—Nala hated to fight and public humiliation but that didn't mean that she couldn't hold her own. Most people took her quietness for weakness when she was far from weak.

It wasn't until Nala felt something burn her eyes that she let out a scream and immediately knew that she was being maced, she still swung through the burning sensation until she was flipped and curled up on the ground being stomped repeatedly. She used her arms to cover her face as best as she could.

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