25. Promise pinky

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 Always so logical,"

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March 31, 2017



Orion's mind was everywhere as he knocked on Leyton's door, they were supposed to meet at the park over an hour ago but it was clear that Leyton wanted to play games with him, he was in no mood to be fuçking around—-especially about his son.

He had been mute since Nala had made him feel like shit saying that he made her feel like a hoe, the shit triggered the fuck out of him.

As someone that' nearly grew up with her since they were kids it feel like a slap in the face nonetheless—he didn't regret alot of things but he was starting to regret crossing boundaries, he should have listened when she voiced her opinion about them and should've left good enough alone. Now, he felt like their friendship was at jeopardy over something that meant the world to him, it was special for him and for her to shatter his heart by basically implying that she felt nothing else but like a hoe? It fucked him up.

Usually he'd deal with shit like working through certain feelings with anger, but, he could never do that to Nala. He wouldn't allow himself, and he fought like hell to get up out of the house before shît had got out of control the longer he was in close proximity to her.

Orion wasn't big on expressing himself—he didn't know how, however, he felt like she had personally pulled his heart out of his chest and dug her six inch stiletto heel through the middle of it.

His feelings were hurt, deeply.

Impatiently waiting—his knocks grew louder.

The door was soon snatched open, and the smirk on Leyton's face had pissed him off. No warning, he had grabbed him by the neck and threw his body against the nearest wall. Leyton was caught off guard, "where the fuçk is my son nigga? You think you about to play these mind games with me and you not' I'll fucking kill you nigga," Orion gritted.

He applied pressure until he saw Leyton's eyes roll to the back of his head and his breathing become shallow.

Letting him go—his body hit the floor, he watching him cough violently and swarm around trying to catch his breath, Orion had blacked out and he didn't truly know what he was doing, he was having a episode. He knew that this was what Leyton had wanted to let him see that he still could trigger him so easily, although he knew that..Orion was too far gone, and it wasn't even Leyton who had made him have a episode but he was the cause of triggering it further.

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