Phase I. : Chapter VII.

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Jumping out her sleep from the front door slamming open, Chrys quickly scurries to her dresser and grabs her gun. She swings her bedroom door open in rage with gun aimed. She slowly lowers her weapon realizing who it is. She thought some one was robbing the place the way the door swung open. You can say her side hustle has her a little on edge. Bud continues to throw her belongs in the duffle bag, zipping it up afterwards.

"Where are you going?" Chrys questions, watching her sister toss the bag towards the door.

"I'm leaving." Bud responds nonchalant.

"Okay but where are you going?" Chrys questions again for clarity.

"None of your business." Bud mutters, stuffing her other bag angrily. Chrys frowns confused, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I really hope you're not going back to that nigga Maurice. I don't want to have to beat his ass ag..." Bud stops her actions and turns to her sister, challenging her to continue. Chrys, knowing she said too much, meets her lips together and looks off in another direction.

"Beat his what? Beat his ass again? You can save the bullshit. I already know and that's why I'm leaving." She informs, tossing the bag over her shoulder.

"Wait what?" Bud says nothing, opening the door and reveals a stranger. Chrys watches as her sister hands him a bag and frowns.

"Who the fuck is that?" She asks.

"Don't worry about it." Bud responds before walking through the door and slamming it shut. Chrys exhales deeply and shakes her head. She knew she messed up this time and didn't know how to come back from it. She and Bud were always close and now that relationship would need repairing. Entering her room, she slams the door shut and flops down the bed. She didn't know where her sister would be staying but figured she give her the space she deserves. At the end of the day she just wants what's best for her sister. Bud places her bags in the backseat of Devonte's car, getting in afterwards. He closes the door for her and gets in on the driver's side. Devonte cranks the engine, letting the car heat up. He stares over at Bud who keeps her attention out the window, her fist resting under her chin. He can tell she's frustrated but doesn't want to pry into her business.

"Am I overreacting?" She asks, turning to Devonte.

"About what?" He frowns.

"Just forget it." She mumbles and shakes her head.

"If you need to talk I'm all ears." He assures. 

"You wouldn't understand." She waves off no one in particular.

"Even if I don't, I could still hear you out Rose. It seems you need to get some shit off your chest." Bud takes in his words and thinks on it. As good as it sounds, she couldn't bring herself to let him in.

"Forget I said anything. We need to get back at Tracy's before she leaves for work." She sighs.

"Ok." He replies, shifting gears and pulling off. The whole ride to Tracy's is quiet. Devonte respects that Bud needs her space and time to let her guard down. He doesn't know what her ex put her through but he knows it couldn't be good. He hopes she figures everything out. Arriving to Tracy's place, Devonte helps Bud with her bags. She sits them in the vestibule and takes the last bag he hands to her.

"That's all of them?" She asks and he nods.


"Ok, thank you. I'll see you in physics class tomorrow."

"Wait." Devonte calls out, holding his hand on the door to stop it from closing.

"Wassup?" Bud frowns keeping her grip on the door knob.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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