Phase I. : Chapter III.

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Chrys pours herself a cup of coffee hearing her bedroom door open. Bud walks out fully dressed, grabbing her purse and books for class. She places them inside and travels to the kitchen to eat. Her sister made breakfast while she was getting ready. Bud would usually have to stop somewhere to get a bite before classes. Now with her leaving Angelo, she'll have to save money to get her own place.

"The food isn't going to run away from you Bud." Chyrs jokes as she takes a seat across from her. Bud wipes her mouth with a napkin and nods.

"I know. I just don't want to be late." She mumbles with her mouth full.

"I can give you a ride to the university." Chrys offers and Bud laughs while shaking her head.

"Nah. That rust bucket is slower than me on a good day. I'll take the train. It's much faster." She winks and takes her empty plate to the sink. Chrys shrugs with pouted lips and nods.

"It gets me to point a and b." She says before taking a sip of her coffee.

"That's because you don't care about getting to work late. Which means you'll be on your ninth job soon." Bud teases.

"Keep talking and you won't have a couch to sleep on." Chrys teases and raises an eyebrow. Bud shrugs her shoulders while putting on her coat.

"That's fine. I can always go to Orchid's or Mari's." She says.

"Orchid's I can understand but Mari's...I dunno about that." Chrys hisses and shakes her head.

"To be honest, either one of them would have me. I choose you because you're my favorite."

"You don't have a favorite."

"You're right. I don't." Bud smiles and grabs her things. Chrys takes a glimpse at the clock, seeing she still had time before she leaves.

"You know it's early, I thought your class doesn't start for another two hours." Chrys analyzes.

"I'm getting an early start. Bye, love you!" Bud yells as she closes the door behind her. Chyrs finishes off her coffee and sits the cup in the sink. Grabbing the house phone, she dials a number and has a seat on the couch. She twirls her finger around in the phone cord while waiting for an answer.

"Hello?" Mari answers groggily.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" Chrys questions and her sister sighs through the receiver.

"What time is it?" Mari asks.

"It's seven thirty in the morning." Chrys informs.

"Oh, well I don't have to be at work until noon. What's up?" Mari yawns.

"I need you to get up and get dressed." Chrys orders while grabbing her keys.

"I'm not getting up out my bed Chrys." Mari assures.

"I need your help on something. Bud left early for class but it doesn't start for another hour and a half." Chrys confirms.

"Okay, maybe she went to study at the library or something." Mari suggests.

"Or maybe she went to get more of her stuff from Angelo's." The line is silent before the shuffling is heard.

"I'll be ready in ten minutes." Mari assures and hangs up the phone. Chrys does the same and travels to her room to get dressed. Once done, she tucks her weapon in her waist band and grabs her keys. On her way out the door, she grabs her coat and puts it on along with her hat and gloves. Exiting the building, she travels to her antique car. The brisk air roses her cheeks and causes a chill down her spine. Getting in her vehicle, she starts the engine and cranks up the heat. Once the car is warm, she heads to Mari's place. When she gets there, she honks the horn for Mari to come outside. After a two minute wait, Mari is jogging out of her apartment to get in the car. She closes the door and blows her breath in her hands to warm up.

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