Phase I. : Chapter II.

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A week later...

"Okay ladies it's a new year so it's time to move in a new direction." Stacy smiles as she hands the group of women a packet. Orchid takes one and pass the rest down.

"What the hell we gotta do now Stacy? I thought wives of drug dealers just cook, clean and spend their niggas money." One of the wives jokes, causing all but Orchid to laugh.

"Mm, that and cater to their every need." Joann says as she exhales the smoke from the cigarette she lit. Everyone agrees but Orchid who's busy reading the paper in front of her.

"Well I hired a maid to cook and clean. That way my husband and I have more time to fuck and spend his money." Charlotte smirks. Some of the women dap her up and agree while others mutter jealous and hateful words. Stacy rolls her eyes and stands in the middle of the living room floor. She claps her hands to gain everyone's attention which halts the chatter.

"Ladies, this has nothing to do with the men. Like I told my husband, this is 1992 not 1902. This generation of women aren't just laying on their backs and taking care of the house anymore. We believe in working for what we deserve, no offense to the great grandmothers. Anyway, I told him that I wanted to be more than just a housewife. With no hesitation, he granted me that wish." Stacy smiles with open arms.

"Mhmm, so what is it you got us doing?" Charlotte questions and crosses her legs, taking a piece of cheese and cracker to eat.

"Well, the holidays have passed but it's not too late to feed the less fortunate." Stacy begins.

"Feed them what exactly? You mean like a holiday feast? Who's going to pay for all that? Matter fact, who in the hell is going to prepare it?" Another wife frowns.

"Everyone doesn't have to cook. You could bring paper plates and cups. Some one can bring plastic forks and knives. Store bought food is fine too along with desserts. I don't mind cooking the turkey and chicken." Stacy informs.

"I can make the baked macaroni and candy yams." Orchid volunteers. The group of women turn to her in shock. She rarely spoke at the meetings or socialized with anyone. Orchid is the type of person to stay to herself. For the four years she's attended these meetings and left to do whatever has been asked for her. Stacy smiles and exhales a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Orchid. Anyone else?" She asks as she writes down what people will be bringing. Charlotte rolls her eyes and raises a finger.

"I can make some turkey wings and collard greens." Stacy jots it down as the other women begin to volunteer. Before long, Stacy had two pages full of the ladies and what they're bringing. Prior to dismissing the meeting, she informs the women of the location and plans to meet by the end of the week. Most of the women clear out but Orchid decides to stay back and help Stacy clean up.

"I want to thank you for helping." She says as Orchid smiles and picks up the trash around the living room.

"It's no problem." Orchid replies.

"I also want to thank you for breaking the ice with the ladies. They can be stubborn bitches sometimes." Stacy scoffs and Orchid laughs.

"It's no problem. I do have a question though." She says while passing the trash bag to Stacy.

"What's that?" Crossing her arms across her chest, Orchid watches as Stacy places the wine glasses in the dish pan.

"How did you talk to your husband into letting you do this?" Stacy couldn't help but laugh as she raises an eyebrow.

"I didn't. My husband and I have an understanding. We work as a team or not at all. And if someone has to wear the pants, it's gone be me." Stacy says causing Orchid to smile.

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