SIX: Monitors

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You hated public transit

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You hated public transit.

You especially hated it when you had to carry a load of items. So, when you were finished with your last class of the day, the dreaded thought of going to the grocery store lingered in your mind.

You had forgotten to bring your handwritten list, but you figured you'd remember most of it anyways, and you did. Now you were sitting on the city bus, waiting to get dropped off on campus.

The seats next to you had two grocery bags, each filled with groceries. In your lap sat an even bigger bag, also filled with groceries. You had bought anything that sounded good to you, and you didn't care what Jungkook wanted.

You kept telling yourself, if he really wants something, he can go out and get it.

Once the twenty minute bus ride was over, you scurried out. The sky was painted with purples, pinks, and oranges. You wanted to take a photo, but your arms were busy with the bags. Grumbling a curse, you continued on.

By the time you reached the front door, you felt like your arms were about to give out. You set each bag down in front of the door, then forcefully swung it open. You didn't knock first, and you didn't care to listen.

After all, this was your forever dorm- or at least, for the next few weeks.

You hoisted the heavy bags back onto your arms and headed straight for the kitchen. You barely made it to the counter in time. Your arms immediately gave out, dropping all the bags onto the counter with a loud bang! sound.

You froze, waiting for Jungkook to appear. He didn't.

You mumbled some words under your breath as you began setting all your groceries away. It appeared that there were already utensils in one of the cabinets, and scattered randomly throughout the fridge was different sauces. Ketchup, mustard, ranch; you name a sauce, and it was there. You sighed as you shoved all of the condiments into one shelf in the back of the fridge.

You quickly got to work unloading the bags. All of the snacks were in one cabinet, and all of the real ingredients were in another. The fridge was organized by produce, meats, and dairy. You had stocked up on diet sodas and other various drinks that sounded good.

Once you set the last can of soup into the small pantry, you grabbed your phone and headed to the room. When you saw the doorway was dimly lit, you became confused.

Maybe he just left his lamp on.

You walked further down the hallway then stopped once you reached the doorway. You noticed the messy room before you noticed Jungkook.

Just like yesterday, there was fabric scattered throughout the room. He had several sheets of crumbled paper on the floor, and there was several different colored pens everywhere.

Jungkook was too busy pinning fabric onto one of his mannequins to even notice you.

"Hey, what is all this mess?" You asked, slowly walking into the room. He didn't respond.

You repeated yourself again, only this time, louder. He still didn't respond, however, acknowledged you by giving you a head nod. When he turned to the side, you noticed he was wearing ear buds.

You huffed a sigh as you began to walk over to your bed. Right as you did so, the light from a phone caught your attention. You looked over, catching sight of Jungkooks phone lighting up.

Your eyes slowly motioned over to him, then slowly back to the phone. He wasn't looking, so you squinted hard to read whatever was on his lock screen.

He was listening to 'Strawberries and Cigarettes' by Troye Sivan, a song you recognized. You quietly chuckled to yourself, appreciating his music taste.

The phone suddenly shut off, then immediately lit back up with a text message notification. You flashed your eyes over to him again before reading the message.

JIHYO: coming over?

Once you read this, you realized you were snooping a little too much. Cheeks flushed red, you walked over to your bed.

Right as you fell onto your mattress, a thought popped into your mind. Days prior, a package had arrived at the dormitory door. It was your dual monitors that you had shipped from your old apartment.

Dual monitors were important for your major. They weren't exactly necessary, however, they helped you whenever it came to coding.

Realizing this, you slipped back out of bed and pulled out the large box from under your desk. You carefully opened the box to reveal two monitors along with several wires hanging down from them.

You slipped each one out of the box and set it on your desk. They took up nearly the entire surface area of the wooden rectangle.

In hindsight, it seemed easy to put together the monitors. But as you plugged each cord into the wall, you gradually became confused.

Once you were finished plugging in the dual monitor set, you turned your computer on. You made sure it showed your home screen before plugging in the last cord. Then you waited.

And waited.

And waited.

The screens were blank.

You stifled a concerned laugh before crawling back under your desk to try to fix the issue. You moved some cords around and reworked others before finally reconnected the set to your laptop.

Once again, it didn't work. Seeing this, you heavily sighed.

"Hey, Jungkook," You called out, flashing your eyes over to him. He didn't respond.

Knowing he had headphones in, you went right over and tapped him viciously on the shoulder. He quickly turned around, furrowing his eyebrows at you.

"Huh?" He said.

"I need your help. How do I connect these monitors to my laptop?"

He turned around and stared at your desk before going right back to pinning the fabric in a pattern. "Dunno. Ask Google, I'm busy."

Then, he put his ear bud back in.

You stared at him at disbelief. He couldn't even stop his work for two minutes to help you?

With your blood boiling, you went back to messing with the cords in silence. All the meanwhile, you were thinking of ways you'd kill him and his mannequin that he so dearly adored.



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I'm starting the Great Gatsby in school. I'm noticing a surprising lack of BTS in the story unfortunately 😞

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