TWO: Airhead

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"IT'S A BOY!?"

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"IT'S A BOY!?"

"I'm just as shocked!" You whisper shout into the phone, shifting around in the dark closet. You had shut yourself inside prior to explaining to your now-named roommate Jungkook.

The second you got a chance, you called Yeji. You quickly explained the situation to her, and thankfully, she wasn't taking it lightly either.

"How is that even allowed?" Yeji wondered. You thought the same thing.

"I don't know. It's no use trying to complain anymore, I won't be moved anyways. On a side note, did your roommate ever come?"

"Nah. I'm hoping she comes soon, though, because I want to go eat after introducing myself to her," Yeji explained.

The thought of food suddenly made you hungry. It reminded you of how you had yet to eat since driving in early that morning.

"Hey, I'll call you back later. I'm starving in this closet," You complained, hearing grumbling sounds erupting from your stomach. You hung up after saying goodbye.

Afterwards, you slowly opened up the closet door, checking around the room to see if Jungkook was near. Thankfully he was not.

Just as you were about to turn the corner to head to the door, the brunette man appeared out of nowhere. His sudden presence made you let out a terrified yell.

"God, what the hell?" You cried, stumbling backwards. He blinked casually at you.

"Where 'ya going?" He asked, inspecting you up and down to see if you had anything of use.

"To get something to eat, I'm starving," You explained, shoving past him and over to the door. He followed.

"Get me something too. I'll pay you back later."

"What? No, get something yourself," You spat, beginning to tie your left shoelace. He leaned against the wall and folded his arms.

"Awh, come on. Don't be rude. Just bring me back some chicken or something!" His whines made you roll your eyes.

"Fine," You said, "I'll bring you back something. But my money better be waiting for me on the table when I get back."

He smiled. "Deal."

With that, you headed off to the cafeteria.


The cafeteria was much harder to find than you expected. You were so focused on getting out of the dorm without having any interaction with Jungkook that you forgot the campus map.

It left you wandering around the highly populated campus for nearly twenty minutes before you finally found the cafeteria. Once inside, you took a look around. There was plenty of restaurants to choose from, but the one that caught your eye was a small café named LATTE-PM. You walked over, immediately being greeted by a man who looked to be in his early twenties.

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