Sorrow, Grief & Pain

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I stood upon the burning sand as I looked at the many smiling faces of the 'otherworldly' sisters that I had just been adopted by.

Being a mermaid was so much different than being a human. For starters, we were all considered sisters as we do not have a single mother or father -- our parents were the mermaid council who decided which rules and laws we were to follow. To disrespect the council would be the equivalent of disrespecting your elders.

The history of mermaids is also a turbulent history connected to the mythical kingdom of Atla, though mermaids were 'not' Atlantean, as they were once the children of Mu -- the lost kingdom of Lemuria.

Over time, many of the mermaids were reborn as Atlantean -- and I should know -- for I am one of them.

With the arrival of human culture upon the surface, the empires of Atla and Mu had already sunk beneath the waves, and from memory and history. Yet, mermaids still lingered in the minds of humans as many of their children were taken away into the sea to become mermaids themselves, when a pod was facing extinction.

Those human children taken by the merfolk could never hope to survive the chilly crushing depths of the sea. And so, the merfolk of many different pods and clans used magic and Atlantean technology to give them life, under the waves.

Yet, even with a chance to survive and thrive beneath the waves, the human hybrids never truly accepted their sisters or the sea. They always longed for the land, and when they became landlocked, they always longed for the sea.

A solution was found in the shattered ruins of the Atlantean Crystalline Satellite that was built by the high priestess faction of Atla, the Atla-Ra. It was a celestial magic that wiped away all the human memories and their own humanity -- forming a gelatinous egg out of the human's own flesh; and months later, the child was reborn as a natural-born mermaid.

Essentially, all natural-born mermaids are born out of sorrow, grief and pain.

And now that I am amongst them as a mermaid, myself, I can painfully admit that the young man that had once landed on the Gold Coast, only days foregone, was now gone forever. And yet, I am still David Forsyth, I am still myself.

However, even as I write this prompt late into the evening -- I can feel myself slipped away as this new mermaid identity takes over this broken shell. You would think that I would be terrified, but oddly, I am not.

In my mind, I will always be Mr. Forsyth from the misty coastline of the Pacific Northwest. Who had so bravely chased down mermaids and received their blessing of magic. An ignorant man who had fallen so carelessly into the hands of the Atlanteans who had wished for his own death.

But now, here I stand amongst my new family, in this 'other world', safe from prying human eyes. I have a new career as a caregiver for the dolphins and seals that have become my dear friends. I too have changed so much -- that my human-self would hardly recognize my mermaid-self!

With Veridia, Yuzuki and Nerissa all in agreement to include me as the newest member of the Mizu Pod; I watch as the members of the Mermaid Council return back to the Coral Sea. Once they enter the sea, they all transform into golden tailed mermaids, commanding the sea.


"Mika, darling." Nerissa calls out beyond the breakers of the sea "Please escort David into the will be her first time entering, and it can sometimes be frightening to go alone."

Atlantean Doctrine Book 3 - The Fifth Phase 'Metamorphosis' (TG/TF Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ