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At her birthday dinner, Zoe and James told Angela they were engaged. The news brought tears to her eyes and the celebrated that along with Zoe's birthday. 

To keep from interfering with the performance, they decided not to start wedding plans until after. Just as James said, the performance was perfect and went according to plan. In an effort to help, Angela went dress shopping and cake tasting with Zoe. Through this, their bond grew stronger. While they are looking for decorations, Angela questions Zoe.

"So how many kids does he want?"

"Mom," Zoe blushes.

"What? It's a valid question. He might want 10 or something."

Zoe laughs. "We haven't talked about it, but I'm sure it's not gonna be 10."

"You better hope."

"What if I want 10?" she looks at her mom for a moment and then they both start laughing. "Yeah, no. That's not happening." 

"Are you staying in Chicago?"

"I would think so. He hasn't said anything about moving." Zoe finds some nice fake flowers and points at them. Angela shakes her head. 

"Would you tell me if you weren't staying?" 

"Yeah, of course." Zoe looks at her mom and sees tears starting to form. "Oh, Mom, we're not gonna leave."

"He's gonna take you away." A tear falls. 

"Like I said, he hasn't said anything, so I don't think we are." Zoe hugs her mom. "And if that changes, I will definitely tell you, okay?" She holds her mom. 

"Okay." Angela wipes the tear away and they continue shopping. 


Zoe comes home for the evening and she plans more of the wedding with James. 

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Are we going to move? Like, to another city or anything?"

"No. At least not now anyway. Why?"

"My mom is worried that you're gonna take me away from her."

Bucky sighs and nods. "Well, I'm not planning on going anywhere now. But that can always change in the future."

"I know. I told her that. But she was really hurt."

"I get it. She finally got back to having a relationship with you, and then I snatch you away. It's understandable."

"If we need to move, please don't let that hinder us."

"It won't, but I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen." He smiles at her. 

"I know."

"So, where do you wanna go for our honeymoon?"

"You would know the best place. You've been everywhere."

"But where do you want to go?"

"I don't know. Haven't really thought that far."

"Think about it. Don't worry about the price, I'll take care of it." 

"Okay, sugar daddy." Zoe laughs and James shakes his head, grinning.

"Never in my life did I think someone would call me that."

"I mean, if you got it, you got it." She smiles. "I'm just kidding. I do appreciate it, though."

"Anything for my girl." He kisses her cheek. 

"I'm thinking somewhere tropical. Like the Bahamas. But I also want to go to Europe. But also I would love to see Wakanda. Ugh. So many decisions." 

"How about this. Give me a list of your top three and I'll pick one randomly?"

"Perfect." She giggles. "I'm so excited!"

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now