Chapter 10

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"Again? You mean the chamber of secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asked as she was seated next to Enadira in the girls bathroom on the second floor as Harry was seated while Ron stood by a door with his arms crossed. They were in study hall hour as they had finished their previous class, Astronomy. Enadira decided to check on the Polyjuice potion, and they came with her. Enadira saw Snape during breakfast, but when she tried to find him to apologize, he didn't exactly give her a chance. "He's still upset with me; I don't like it," she thought and exhaled.

"Of course, don't you see?" Ron said. "Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was here during the quidditch game," he said. "He was with my grandmother the whole time, and so was Draco, at least I think," Enadira said. "And now he's taught Draco how to do it," Harry said. "Maybe we'll have to wait for the Polyjuice potion to be sure," Hermione reminded them.

"Enlighten me, why did you guys choose to brew this potion here in the girls bathroom?" Ron asked the girls. "Don't you think we'll get caught?" Harry asked. "No," Hermione scoffed. "No one ever comes in here," Enadira said. "Except that one time with Snape, but they don't need to know that," she thought. "Why?" Ron asked.

"Moaning Myrtle," Hermione said. "Who?" Ron asked, confused, and Myrtle appeared from her stall behind Ron. "Moaning, Myrtle," Hermione said again, and they all looked at her, except for Ron, who's behind him. "Who's moaning, Myrtle?" Ron asked. "I'm moaning, Myrtle!" she said, and Ron looked shocked. Harry was surprised and shocked; both haven't met her yet. Myrtle flew above them as she turned around to face them.

"I wouldn't expect you to know me," Myrtle said. "Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping-moaning Myrtle?" she said and started to wail as she flew right at them and went straight back into her toilet as the water splashed about. "She's a little sensitive," Hermione said as Ron looked at her with a shocked expression. "A little sensitive?" Ron asked. "Ok, a lot, but she's not so bad," Enadira said as she stirred the Polyjuice potion one more time as it continued to brew.

"We'd better go now; I heard that Professor Lockhart wants us to attend a new club he's forming!" Hermione said it excitedly. "Honestly, Hermione, what do you see in this guy?" Ron asked. Harry and Enadira laugh as Hermione is flushed. "Everyone's attending, Ron! Let's just go," she said, and together they left the bathroom. As they were headed to the grand hall, they noticed a lot of students were heading in the same direction. Enadira accidentally bumped into someone; it was Snape.

"Ms. Cromwell," he said with a usual serious expression, but he looked even more serious towards her. Enadira was about to say something; he was already leaving. She glared and groaned as she followed him when her friends didn't notice her. When it seemed to be just them, Enadira quickly reacted and grabbed hold of the ends of his black robe. "Snape, wait!" she said as he stopped. Snape's eyes widened a bit as he felt her small hands at the end of his robe. He slowly turned around to look into her eyes.

"I'm sorry if I worried you again; please stop being upset at me," she exhales. "It hurts whenever I see you upset," she said. "Do you know what it feels like to be truly upset?" he asked. Snape then grabbed his robe back as Enadira moved back. "You're just a child, ambitious, a little troublemaker, and a silly girl," Snape said. Enadira lightly gasped, and a tear started to appear. "You know what? Maybe you're right, but at least I still protect my friends. Do the right thing by someone, unlike a rude, bitter, cold man who doesn't understand," she said.

Snape didn't like her tone, as his face was quite upset; he didn't even see the tears that wanted to come out of her eyes. "If you'll excuse me, Ms. Cromwell, I have to help with Lockhart," he said as he was about to leave, but Enadira took a step forward and stopped. "No, excuse me, Professor Snape," she said as she lifted her head high and walked away as she headed to the grand hall. "Who does he think he is? I can't believe him right now! I understood he was worried about me again, but I can take care of myself!" Enadira angrily thought as she found her friends in the hall.

Second year: Secret friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now