Chapter 4

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It was morning, as Enadira was already dressed in her uniform and was headed off to her class on herbology with Professor Sprout. She was already in the green house outside of Hogwarts with her friends, and Slytherin was in the mix. Everyone was already wearing protective cloaks for this class. They were just waiting for Professor Sprout, who teaches herbology and is the head of Hufflepuff. "Good morning, everyone," Professor Sprout says as she taps her wand on a pot. "Good morning, Professor Sprout," everyone says.

"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second year," she says. "Now, gather around, everyone," she says, gesturing for everyone to lean closer. In front of each student is a table filled with plants and pots. "Today, we're going to re-pot mandrakes," Professor Sprout said as she turned around to grab a pot with a mandrake and place it in front of her. "Now, who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" she asks.

Hermione was the only one who raised her hand. "Yes, Ms. Granger," Professor Sprout asks. "Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to refer to those who have been petrified to their original state," Hermione says. "It's also quite dangerous; the mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it," Hermione said. "Excellent, ten points to Gryffindor," Professor Sprout said. Every Gryffindor had a smile on their face. "Nice one," Enadira said to Hermione, and she glanced at Draco, who had an annoyed expression.

"Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours, which is why I have given you each a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection," Professor Sprout explains and points out the earmuffs. "So could you please put them on right away?" she asked her students. Everyone was putting on their earmuffs nice and tight. "Flaps tight down; now watch me closely," she said.

"You grasp your mandrake firmly. You pull it sharply up out of the pot!" Professor Sprout spoke loudly as she took out the mandrake. Immediately after it was pulled out, the mandrake screeched out a horrible, high-pitched scream. Everyone uses their hands to cover their ears, despite wearing the earmuffs. "Gosh, that's loud!" Enadira thought as she saw the mandrake being put into a new pot. "Now you dunk it down into the other pot... and pour him a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm," she said.

As the mandrake continued to squeal, Enadira looked across and noticed Neville was starting to get woozy and faint on the ground. "Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs," Professor Sprout said. "No, ma'am, he's just fainted," Seamus said. "Yes, well, just leave him there," Professor Sprout said, which made Enadira chuckle a bit. "Right, on we go; plenty of pots to go around," she said, pointing at them. "Grasp your mandrake and pull it up!" she said. The moment Enadira pulled out her mandrake along with everybody else, they all screeched.

She glanced at Draco and noticed he was playing with his mandrake until it bit his finger, which made her chuckle a bit. She put her mandrake into the other pot and started to put the soil around it. 'Well done, everyone," Professor Sprout said. "Now it's time to add more mandrakes to their new pots!" she said. Everyone practically groaned but had no choice but to continue this for the rest of their class.

*Time skip*

After History of Magic class, it was already lunch time for the students, as they were enjoying their time together. Enadira sat next to Hermione as Harry and Ron were across from them. Enadira watched as Ron began to wrap tape around his broken wand. Ron sighed "Say it; I'm doomed," he said to Harry with a worried expression. "I still can't believe you broke your wand," Enadira said as she looked at it. "You're doomed," Harry said. "Hi, Harry!" a little boy with blonde hair and in a Gryffindor uniform said, and he took a picture with a flash at Harry, which made his eyes blink.

"I'm Colin Creevey; I'm in Gryffindor too," he said. "Hi, Colin, nice to meet you," Harry said as Ron gave a small smile. Enadira chuckled. "Well, that's a nice way to say hi to someone," she said, to which Hermione gave a smile in response. All of a sudden, they heard an owl, and Dean looked up, seeing the familiar owl. "Ron, isn't that your owl?" he asked Ron, and sure enough, it was. Errol was beginning to fly below and crashed into a bowl of chips in front of them. Everyone in Slytherin was laughing at his landing.

Second year: Secret friendshipTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon