The unforgiven act: part 2

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May 28th, 2024

 It had been 4 years since that dreadful day, and Nini's killer still had not been found.

"I plead not guilty," Ricky stated, standing up in the courthouse.

"Okay, Richard Bowen you are... not guilty." Ricky let out a sigh as he sat back down in his chair. This was his 4th time in court and his 23rd time trying to find her killer. "Richard, would you like to speak?" He nodded and walked up to the mic.

"Um, Hello, everybody. I would like to have a word about my best friend and girlfriend who was murdered 4 years ago on this day, being stabbed repetitively 12 times in the back and beaten with a tennis racket." Ricky could already feel the water in his eyes. "She was bright, happy, and so full of life, and she most definitely was not ready to leave us. Now I'm going to tell you guys something, alright? I am not, under any circumstances, backing down from finding the killer of this sweet girl, and putting them to justice."

Everyone agreed and clapped for the boy as he went to take his seat. It was just another year without her.

Ricky went home that night; Gina and EJ already being at his apartment to comfort him. When he walked in the door, he fell into EJ's arms sobbing. His friends tried to calm him down, but it was almost no use.

"I've lost my Nini... she's really gone EJ. I saw her. The last time I saw her was 4 years ago on this day when Gina said she was fine. She wasn't. The last I saw of her was her laying on the ground in a pool of blood with 12 stab wounds to the back, one going directly through her heart-" He was cut off by more sobs. He wiped his eyes. "I-I wish I could go back and save her and ask her what happened."

"Man, I'm sorry. We miss her. We all do. But we can't go back and change the past." EJ spoke up. Gina nudged him and he mouthed what to her.

"Ricky... I think you need some rest." Gina said, walking over to the boy.

"Gina... we had our life planned out. W-we used to play wedding and family when we were little and there were always 3 kids, we were married, and we had a dog named Charlie. When we were older, we would talk about how we wanted to make that a reality."

"I know, Ricky... But EJ's right. You can't change the past."

-flashback: The funeral.-

"And we gather here to celebrate the life of Nina Salzar-Roberts. A wonderful daughter, friend, and girlfriend to all. She was born on February 20th, 2003, and died on May 28th, 2020. She was 16 years old. Now may we all have a moment of silence?" 

Everyone was dressed in black, along with black umbrellas, standing in the rain around her grave, which her casket was waiting to be put in. People sniffling were heard, and heads were hung low. Ricky and her parents were by far crying the most. He turned to his dad and hugged him tight as he sobbed. His dad rubbed his back.

"Let this sweet girl rest in peace, and have a bright new beginning. No one has to stay while we lower the casket, but we ask that you leave quietly." Everyone began to walk away besides Ricky, Dana, and Carol.

"Ricky take as much time as you need. Me and your mom will be at the car." His dad called walking away. He turned to the girls' mothers.

"I'm so sorry guys. She didn't deserve it." He told them trying not to cry. 

"We know, Sweetheart. Come here." They pulled him in for a hug as he screamed and sobbed. He let go of Carol and walked over to the casket to see her face one last time. When he looked over the edge, he saw her all cleaned up and lying peacefully. He knew he would never be the same again.

-End of flashback-

Even though his friends were trying to talk to him, he got out of their grip and ran to the car, getting in, and driving to the cemetery. Once he got out, he grabbed the flowers he had picked up the day before from his car. White roses. Her favorite. He started to walk over to the children's section. She wasn't a child, but not old enough to be in the adult section. Once he got to her grave, he kneeled down and kissed it, laying the flowers up against it.

"Hey, Beautiful. It's year 4 without you. I miss you, you know that? God Nini, if I had the chance, I would do it all again! But I guess that's not how life works, is it? EJ and Gina miss you tons. Same with our parents. Oh, I miss you. I miss you every day, every second. Every second I'm not with you, I feel like I'm dying. This was never meant to happen to you, and I'm going to find out who did it, even if it kills me."

-Police station-

"I want to open up Nini's case," Ricky stated, throwing his hands on the chief's desk.

"Son, how many times am I going to tell you it's a bad idea?" Ricky didn't budge and Chief Mazzara took off his glasses and sighed.

"Just think about it. We could catch the awful person, put us all at rest, and mostly Nini! Boom!"

"I don't know son..."

"Why do you have to be so difficult?"

"I guess we could. That does not mean we are going to solve it." Ricky lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Mr. Mazarra.

"Oh-" He mumbled as he was caught off guard by the hug.

"Thanks, Chief."

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