Feet dangling off the poolside (1)

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(Nini's pov)

I sat on the edge of the pool as the rest of my friends were having fun around me. It was my friend, Iris's birthday, and I couldn't miss it. I wouldn't. It was her 28th, and we talked about it since we were kids. About the parties and the theme, there was just no way I could miss it. 

Even if that meant I got married at 23 to my high school sweetheart (whom everyone told me not to marry, I didn't listen), and boy I wish I did. Here we are, dangling my legs off the edge of the diving board after I found out he was cheating. For 3 months. Not only how disgusting it was that he was talking about future kids with me when he loved someone else, it's the fact that I also believed every single one of his excuses when he would be home late for work. 

My phone started ringing.

"What." I asked blandly.

"Please I really want you back and I didn't mean it-"

"Shut it, EJ. Your just making it become a bigger problem by calling me than it was. Your stuff is on the front porch."

"You can't just kick me out-"

"Yes I can. You can live with your new girlfriend now. Not like we were married for 5 years."

"Okay you need to calm down-"

"Me?! How about you? Your the one who started this!" I snapped, my voice getting louder to the point where people were looking at me.

"Nina calm down-"

"Calm down? YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?!" I looked around and all my friends were starring at me. "I-I uh I gotta go."

"Wait ni-" I hung up on him. everyone was quiet and starring at me.

"Oh. Hey guys." I flashed them and awkward grin as I put my hands in the pockets of my dress. It's my favorite thing when there are pockets in dresses. Iris walked over, clearly worried.

"Nini... are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine! Totally fine." I said, dropping eye contact and biting my lip. Please don't cry. Don't cry- crap.

Iris wrapped her arms around me as I sobbed in her arms. "What's the matter, Teeny? Come on tell me. You can trust all of us. You know that." The other girls nodded.

"It's EJ. H-he cheated on me. for three months after explaining to me and having a sit-down conversation about kids. I-I kicked him out, his stuff is on the porch, and I-I don't want him near me. A-and it's scary the fact I believed him."

"Believed what?"

"His excuses. We had that conversation MONTHS AGO! and yet he still brings it up as a want. I was trying so hard for him, to stay strong. You know I'm busy with work, after making music and putting on concerts, I'm tired! I'm sick of it! Coming home every night at 8, I would just want to come home and lay in my husband's arms but he would never be home. I would fall asleep and he would wake me up when he came in at 12, smiling."

"Aww... babes..."

"But that's not all! We really wanted to start a family, and I finally thought I was ready, and once it wasn't working out, it just felt like routine. But one night I found out I was pregnant, and when he got home, I walked over to tell him, and apparently, he had to tell me something too. That was the night I found out he was cheating."

Iris and the other girls came over and hugged me. 

"I'm so sorry Nini." She paused. "Wait are you pregnant?" I gave them a small nod. The all gasped and hugged me. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?!"

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