There was a time, and you were it. (J+O)

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It was a fairly sunny day in Detroit for Josh. He was in the airport and waiting to get on his plane to go home to his girlfriend, Olivia, who was waiting with much excitement at home. He called her right as he was getting on the plane.

"Hey baby! I'm getting on my plane home now." He heard a squeal from the other end. "Someone's excited."

"HOW COULD I NOT BE? I'll get dinner going. What do you want? Your pick tonight." you. He thought in his mind. He snapped himself out as she called his name.

"Ummm pasta sounds good! Do you want pasta?"

"Yeah! I'll get that going. I'll see you soon bubs. I loooooove you."

"I love you too my Livvy. See you around 5." He hung up the phone with a smile. He was going to propose tonight.


Olivia hummed a tune as she walked into the kitchen, happy that her boyfriend was coming home. She opened the cupboard and grabbed the box of pasta from it. Then she swiftly walked over to the fridge after setting the pasta down and grabbed the tomatos. As she did so, she felt a sharp pain in the side of her abdomain. She ended up dropping the tomatoes as she buckled over in pain. As it subsided, she shook her head in denial and bent down to grab the tomatoes.

She brought them over to the sink and turned on the water to wash them. She started to feel very woozy and light headed in the process. She swallowed and took a deep breath. She dropped the tomatoe in the sink, almost automaticly. She placed her pale looking hands on the counter and looked at the running water that was now blurry. She put a hand up to her hand as her head started to ache. Her vision getting blurryer and blurryer and then it went black.

She fell unconsious, hitting her head on the counter making it bleed. Of course she wasent awear, but she had a seizure right before going compleatly unconsious. It was 3 more hours till Josh was getting home at night.... and 20 until she left.


Josh opened the front door and walked in to hear the water running. He smiled at the thought of having a nice sit down dinner with his one and only.

"Liv! Baby, I'm home!" silence. "Sweetheart!" he called as he walked further into the home that they talked about making so many memorys there. He chuckled and shook his head as he suspected her to pop out with a big smile on her face and scare him. He turned the corner and walked into the kitchen and around the counter, not seeing Olivia. He kept walking and was going to conclude she went out, until he bumped into something he knew all too well from their relationship.

He looked down and fell to his knees and sobbed, not caring that he was getting blood all over his clothes. He scooped her up in his arms and held her close to hischest.

"No... no liv. Liv! LIV YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME!" He screamed as he held her pale face in his hands. He franticly used his left hand to serch everywhere for a pulse but never found one. "OLIVIA WAKE UP! PLEASE! PLEASE BABY!" he rubbed her back as if she was a baby that stopped breathing. She was so cold and stiff in his arms, like she could break at any moment if he wasent careful.

He saw the gash in her head, her hair bloody. He saw that she must have had some kind of episode from the gash and the tinyest bit of vomit on the ground. 

"Oh baby, why did I ever leave you do go to some stupid job. W-We were gonna have k-kids and get married. W-We were talking about that the other night. Y-You said you wanted a dozen kids r-remember? REMEBER?!" He sobbed shaking her. This wasent it for her. It couldent be. "no...Livia please. PLEASE! IM BEGGING YOU HONEY!" He took out his phone and called 911 sobbing, holding his lifeline in his arms. He would never talk to her again. Only when he met her halfway.


The police told him it was a stroke along with a seizure, the cause was still unknown. Josh sat on the other side of the table still crying.

"You know joshua, if you were home when it happened she wouldent be in a mourge right now. She would be in the ICU at the hospital."

"I should have paid attention more. I wouldent have left, she would be okay, I could have saved her-" he paused. "I hate you." he paused once more. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!"

"Sir calm down-"


The cop was quiet. The only sound was Josh's panting after yelling that long. He walked out the door and ran down the hall. His dad met him at the end.

"Son? Son, are you okay?"

"C-Can't b-reath" his dad knew he was having a panic attack. He calmed him down and just held him tight in a hug.

"That's it. She's gone. There's no one else for me."


The funeral was a week later and they burried her right by a maple tree. Olivia loved maple trees. She would sit under one every day in college and do homework. Josh walked over to the coffin and put the engagement ring he worked so hard for on top.

"I love you livvy. Forever and always my love." 

-3 months later-

Josh had moved out since it was too hard to stay in there after what happened. Today he decided to walk back in and take a gander. He walked into the living room and saw all the pictures of them together. then he walked into the dining room where they would eat every night and she would always fold the napkins a certain way that only olivia could do. He then walked towards the kitchen. He saw the wine glasses from that night were still on the table and the water was dripping now. The tomatoes in the sink, and the blood that stained the pure white floor just a hint of pink. He needed to get out so he ran to the master bedroom. He opened her box of random things and saw the last few peices of string from her childhood blanket she would bring everywhere. 

He then moved to his side and found a note. it read:

"My joshy, Hiiiii it's me liv. I know this is random but heres a random note to say hi, although I see you every day (and night haha) still im board and writing you this. Look at me! writing something besides songs! This was written on october 21st if you dont know. You prob wont find it for awhile so yeah that's my man. I love you more than life!


PS Im gonna pretend I dident see the engagement ring in the back of your drawer. Just to let you know, I say yes bubs."

He smiled and let a tear fall from his eye. She wasent gone. She was right there with him. She always would be. But he just can't help thinkign what would have happened if he never went? If he heard her body crash to the floor. Would she still be here and would they be planning out their wedding? Would he have accidently gotten her pregnant by now? He would never know. Al because of a stupid work trip he dident even want to go on. He would remember her every day for the rest of his life no doubt and tell everyone how much of a sweetheart she was. She would never hurt a soal. She was always going to be his livvy, they would just have to wait a little longer to be together again. For real this time.


There was a time, and that time was you. 

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