Part 8

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Riordan arrives at his school, the campus shrouded in the quiet of the night. He makes his way to the building where his bag is likely stored. As he retrieves his bag, he notices that the light in the art room is still on.

RIORDAN: (Muttering to himself) Must've been left on by mistake.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Riordan decides to step into the art room to turn off the light. The door creaks softly as he enters, and to his surprise, he finds Maya immersed in her artwork, a canvas spread before her.

MAYA: (Focused on her painting).

RIORDAN: (smiling) What are you doing here this late?

MAYA:(Turned her head) Oh hi.

RIORDAN: (Walking Toward her) I noticed the light was on. Figured I'd save some electricity.

Maya looks up, a mixture of surprise and delight on her face as Riordan approaches. The art room is filled with an array of colors, and Maya's creative process is evident in the strokes on the canvas.

MAYA: (Blushing) I needed some time alone to clear my head. Painting helps.

RIORDAN: (Admiring her work) It's beautiful. 

MAYA: (Grateful) Thanks.

RIORDAN: It's not safe for you to be here at this hour.

MAYA: (Whispers to herself)  I was waiting for you.

As he gets closer, a sudden gust of wind sweeps through the open window, causing the canvas to teeter precariously on its easel. Riordan reacts swiftly, attempting to shield Maya from the falling paint, but it's too late. The vibrant colors decorate Maya's clothes and a portion of her face.

RIORDAN: (Apologetic) Maya, I'm so sorry! I didn't see that coming. are you okay?

Riordan hands hovering just above her arms. Maya blinks up at him, her eyes wide with surprise at his sudden action. 'Yeah, I think so,' she replies, a small smile forming on her lips. 'Just a little messy.'

Riordan's footsteps falter as he sees Maya covered in vibrant splatters of paint. Her hair, once neatly tied up, is now adorned with colorful streaks. Her cheeks are flushed from the shock of the sudden mess, and her lips are slightly parted as she takes in the chaotic scene.

Maya: (laughs it off) We become a art (they both share a smile).

Riordan can't help but chuckle at her understatement, his eyes taking in every colorful detail of her face. 'Let me help you,' he says, reaching for a nearby cloth to wipe away some of the paint. 

As his hand brushes against her cheek, Maya's heart skips a beat. She can feel the warmth radiating from his touch. Riordan can't help but think how beautiful Maya looks covered in paint.

Their faces are now inches apart, and Riordan can feel Maya's breath on his lips. He can't resist the pull any longer, and he closes the distance between them, his lips meeting hers in a gentle, yet passionate kiss.

Maya's eyes flutter open in surprise, but she quickly melts into the kiss, her hands finding their way to Riordan's neck. The paint on her hands smudges onto his skin, but neither of them cares as they lose themselves in the moment.

As they finally pull away, both of them are breathless and covered in paint. But in that messy, chaotic moment Riordan realize he shouldn't have kissed Maya.

RIORDAN: (Pausing) Maya, I... I shouldn't have done that.

Maya looks at Riordan, confusion flickering in her eyes.

MAYA: (Curious) Done what?

Without uttering another word, Riordan's actions speak louder than any explanation. He hesitates for a moment, then abruptly leaves the art room, leaving Maya standing there, bewildered.

Riordan steps out into the cool night air, grappling with the whirlwind of emotions within him. The realization that he kissed Maya, an action fueled by a complex mix of circumstances and emotions, hits him hard.

He drives home in a daze, his mind filled with guilt and regret. He can't believe he let things go so far with Maya, and he knows he has to end things before things get even more out of hand.

As he walks into his apartment, he can't help but think about all the times he and Maya had spent together, both in and outside of the classroom. He had always tried to keep their relationship strictly professional, but somewhere along the way, his feelings had changed.

He sinks down onto his couch, burying his face in his hands. He can't believe he's put himself and Maya in this situation. 

Riordan: I look like a jerk now. First, I kissed and then I left her. How did she feel when I left her?

As Riordan thinking his stress evident in the lines on his face, Sarah, a concerned sister, notices his troubled demeanor.

SARAH: Riordan, everything okay? You seem stressed.

RIORDAN: (Avoiding eye contact) I'm fine, Sarah. Just a long day.

Despite Sarah's genuine concern, Riordan dismisses her with a subtle shake of his head. Without offering any further explanation, he heads to his room, leaving Sarah lingering in the common area, her worry growing.


Maya stands still in the art room, the vivid colors of the spilled paint creating an abstract backdrop to her swirling thoughts. The unexpected kiss with Riordan plays on a loop in her mind, and the realization of her own feelings begins to settle in.

MAYA: (Whispering to herself) I can't believe that just happened.

A surge of happiness washes over Maya as she comes to terms with the confirmation of her feelings for Riordan. The crush she had harbored has evolved into something more profound, and the art room, usually a space for creative expression, now becomes the silent witness to Maya's internal joy and newfound emotions.

As Maya contemplates the kiss and the complexity of her feelings, a subtle smile graces her lips. The night, filled with unexpected twists, has become a defining moment for her, and the echoes of that stolen kiss linger in the air, intertwining with the vibrant hues of the art room.



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