Chapter 3

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As Riordan walks down the corridor towards the Teachers' room, his thoughts are still entwined with the intriguing conversation he had with Maya. The echoes of their discussion linger in his mind, leaving him with a sense of curiosity and a desire to understand the enigmatic girl better.

Lost in his thoughts, Riordan turns a corner and, to his surprise, spots Kaya further down the hallway. The familiarity of her presence sends a wave of emotions through him, a mixture of nostalgia and perhaps a hint of apprehension. Kaya, engrossed in reviewing some papers, hasn't noticed Riordan's approach.

Riordan takes a moment to collect himself before deciding to approach her. As he draws nearer, the memories of their shared past come rushing back, creating a palpable tension in the air. Riordan clears his throat to announce his presence.


Kaya looks up from her papers, her eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected encounter.

KAYA: (unexpected) Riordan? hi.

RIORDAN: (awkward ) By any chance are you free this evening? I was thinking it would be better if we talk things out.

Kaya, her gaze meeting Riordan's, felt a mix of emotions. 

KAYA: (taunt) You didn't wanted to talk about it back then, why does it matter now?

RIORDAN: (Apologetic) I understand what you are feeling, please let me explain everything for once. 

Kaya, her expression a blend of surprise and skepticism, takes a moment to assess Riordan's sincerity.

KAYA: (skeptical) Talk things out? After all this time?

RIORDAN: (apologetic) I know I should have done this sooner. I've had time to reflect, and I realize I owe you an explanation. Can we please meet this evening? I want to make things right.

Kaya, still guarded, contemplates Riordan's request. The echoes of their past seem to resurface, creating an atmosphere thick with unresolved emotions.

KAYA: (softening) Fine, let's meet. But this doesn't mean everything is magically okay.

RIORDAN: (grateful) I understand. Thank you for giving me a chance to explain.

Later at the evening 

As the evening unfolds, Riordan and Kaya find themselves in a quiet coffee shop, a neutral ground where the air is filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The conversation that follows is a delicate dance between past regrets and a genuine attempt at understanding.

Riordan sits alone in the cafe, the soft hum of conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee creating a backdrop to his anticipation. Glancing at his watch, he notes the passing time, each second feeling longer than the last. The rhythmic ticking seems to echo the nervous beats of his heart.

As he contemplates getting up, a flicker of disappointment crosses Riordan's face. The door chimes, and he turns towards it, half-expecting someone else. But to his surprise and relief, Kaya walks in just as he was about to rise.

Kaya enters, her gaze meeting Riordan's, and for a moment, time seems to suspend as they lock eyes. The atmosphere holds a mix of emotions—uncertainty, curiosity, and a hint of vulnerability.

RIORDAN: (smiling) Kaya, you made it.

KAYA: Sorry, I couldn't decide whether I should come or not.

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