Part 7

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As Riordan and Kaya wait anxiously for updates on Ava, the automatic sliding doors of the hospital entrance open abruptly, revealing Ava's mother, a wealthy and visibly distressed woman, entering the hospital with an air of urgency. She strides purposefully towards Riordan, her expression a mix of concern and frustration.

AVA'S MOM: (Angry) Riordan, what on earth happened to my child? Why wasn't I informed sooner?

RIORDAN: (Nervously) Mrs. Smith, we did our best to contact you as soon as possible. It all happened so quickly.

AVA'S MOM: (Dismissively) Quickly or not, my child's well-being is at stake. You should have taken better care of her!

KAYA: (Attempting to diffuse the tension) Mrs. Smith, we're just as worried about Ava as you are. The doctors are doing everything they can to figure out what happened.

AVA'S MOM: (Skeptical) Doctors? I'll be the judge of that. And did this all happen? Did you call the cops? 

The tension in the corridor escalates as Ava's mom eyes Riordan and Kaya with suspicion. The hospital staff keeps a respectful distance, allowing the conversation to unfold.

RIORDAN: (Gently) We're all here for Ava, Mrs. Smith. Let's work together to ensure she gets the best care.

AVA'S MOM: (Reluctantly) Fine, but I expect immediate updates. This is unacceptable.

With that, Ava's mom strides off, leaving Riordan and Kaya with a mix of concern for Ava and the added pressure of dealing with her displeasure. The hospital corridor remains charged with tension as they await further developments.


Riordan, Kaya, and Ava's mom wait anxiously for the doctor's update. A hospital staff member, approaches them.

Stuff: (Addressing the group) The doctor will be out soon to share the results of Ava's tests.

AVA'S MOM: (Impatient) It better be good news. My daughter's health is not something to be taken lightly.

Riordan and Kaya exchange glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. After a tense wait, the doctor emerges, holding a clipboard with Ava's test results.

DOCTOR: (Addressing the group) Thank you for your patience. Ava's tests have come back, and we have some important information.

AVA'S MOM: (Anxiously) Well, what is it?

DOCTOR: It appears that Ava had consumed an excessive amount of water, leading to an electrolyte imbalance. This is known as water intoxication. We've stabilized her condition, and all her vital signs are now normal.

AVA'S MOM: (Relieved) Water intoxication? How did that happen?

DOCTOR: It's not uncommon, especially if someone consumes an excessive amount of water in a short period. In Ava's case, it led to an imbalance, but we've addressed it, and she's doing much better now.

AVA'S MOM: (Grateful) Thank goodness.

DOCTOR: Ava will need some rest tonight, and if everything continues to improve, she should be ready to go home tomorrow.

AVA'S MOM: (Expressing gratitude) Thank you, doctor. I appreciate your efforts.

The doctor nods, and as stuff leads them towards Ava's room, a collective sigh of relief fills the air. Riordan and Kaya exchange smiles, grateful that Ava's health crisis has been averted.



After coming back from to Trip everyone excitement went way. Everyone kept on talking about it what happened. Other hand Maya still upset that Kaya and Riordan is together. She kept on texting Riordan but he doesn't answer back. Maya got more furious. She doesn't even remembered as she almost killed Ava. 

Maya: (Text) Are we not going painting today?

Maya: (Text) Do i wait? 

Maya: (Text) when are you coming? 

Maya: ( Whisper to herself) Why he is not answering.

Riordan was busy taking care of the situation he didn't even looked at his phone.


After receiving the positive update about Ava's condition, Riordan and Kaya decide it's time to leave the hospital. The hospital staff,  provides them with the necessary information.

Nurse: I'm pleased to inform you that Ava is stable now, and she will be under our observation for the night. 

STAFF MEMBER: (Addressing Riordan and Kaya) Just a reminder, due to hospital protocols, only one person is allowed to stay with the patient at night. It helps maintain a calm environment.

RIORDAN: (Nodding) Understood. (Speak to Ava's mom) We are leaving. Update us with Ava's condition. 

MRS. SMITH: (Nodding) sure do. 


As Riordan and Kaya make their way out of the hospital, Riordan instinctively checks his phone for the time. To his surprise, he notices a considerable number of messages from Maya.

While Riordan reads the messages, Kaya chimes in.

KAYA: (Playfully) Someone seems eager to chat.

RIORDAN: (Smiling) Yeah, it looks that way. I'll reply later. 

KAYA: You know what, Riordan? It's been a long day. Why don't you come over to my place? We can relax, maybe watch a movie or something.

RIORDAN: (Appreciative) That sounds great, Kaya. But there's one thing—I left my bag at school, and I really need to grab it.

KAYA: (Concern) This Late?

RIORDAN: (Smiling) Yeah i have papers to grade by this weekend and it's in my bag. 

KAYA: (Understanding) No problem. We can swing by your school first, and then we'll head to my place.

RIORDAN: No that's okay. It was a long day for both of us you go ahead next time for sure.

KAYA: (Smiling) Alright, no pressure. We can plan it for another time. 

RIORDAN: (Appreciative) Thanks, Kaya. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Kaya watches as Riordan heads towards his school, her expression thoughtful. As Riordan navigates the quiet streets on his way to the school, his mind is divided between the events of the day, Maya's messages, and the invitation to Kaya's place. The night holds an air of anticipation as Riordan embarks on the next leg of his journey, unaware of the surprises that may unfold.



Guess what will happen at the school?????? Are you exited???????😅😅

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