Beginning 4

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The soft glow of the morning sun gently bathes Maya's room as she awakens with an unfamiliar sense of excitement. The anticipation of the day ahead colors her room in a warm, golden hue.

Maya springs out of bed, her eagerness evident in her movements. She decides to start her day on a healthy note, opting for a nutritious breakfast that reflects the newfound joy pulsating within her.


Maya prepares a vibrant breakfast, with the aroma of fresh fruits and whole grains filling the air. Each bite is savored, a testament to the positive energy coursing through her veins. She takes a moment to relish the flavors, a ritual she has now imbued with a sense of joy.


Maya steps outside; the early morning air is invigorating. The world seems brighter, and her steps are lighter as she looks forward to the day. The simple act of leaving home has transformed into a journey filled with anticipation.


Upon entering the school, Maya's face radiates happiness. She exchanges cheerful greetings with Mr Mark at the hallway, a contagious enthusiasm spreading through the room.

RIORDAN: (smiling) Good morning, Maya. You seem particularly excited today.

Maya: (Happy ) I am.

The positive energy reaches a peak as Mr. Riordan Mark, sensing Maya's excitement, raises his hand for a high five. Maya, with a shy yet genuine smile, slowly raises her hand, meeting his in a satisfying clap.

Throughout the day, the only thing Maya was waiting for was that afternoon.


The final school bell echoes through the empty halls as Maya and Mr. Riordan remain in the now quiet classroom. The desks are devoid of students, and the once bustling room is filled only with the soft rustle of papers and the scent of paint.

RIORDAN: (smiling) Ready for a painting, Maya? I brought some of my old paintings it's there you can see.

The vibrant atmosphere of the art-filled afternoon lingers as Riordan stands up with a renewed sense of purpose. Maya, still admiring the colorful canvas, looks up as he brings his backpack to the front of the room.

RIORDAN: (energetically) Maya, let's take this creativity to the next level.

He unzips his backpack, revealing an array of art supplies—brushes, paints, and a palette filled with an enticing spectrum of colors. Mr. Mark carefully places them on the table, with the artistic possibilities laid out before them.

MAYA: (confused) Absolutely, Mr. Mark! But how?

RIORDAN:(enthusiastically) By painting.

Maya: But i only know how to sketch. (pause) (sad tone) I never even colored anything.

Sadly, Maya sits in front of the big white canvas. Riordan stood behind Maya, and he softly grabbed her hands, dipped inside the color, and put her hands on the white canvas. While moving her hand softly on top of the canvas.

RIORDAN: (Confronting tone) Maya, colors are like emotions waiting to be expressed. Let's make your canvas a reflection of your feelings. Feel the colors in your hands; let them tell your story. Trust me, you might discover a whole new world of expression.

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