An Angry Gorgon, an Angrier Wednesday & a Realization of Feelings

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Wednesday's POV

"No, shut up Enid! You don't know what you're saying!"

"Ajax I'm sorry! But it's over. I'm sorry, we just can't be together anymore. It's not you, it's me, I swear!"

"I'm not taking this crap from you. You're springing this on me out of nowhere. What is wrong with you?!"

"I'm sorry, I... There's just someone else, and.... It's all quite confusing right now and-"

"Someone ELSE? You know Enid, you're a lot of things, but I never would've taken you as a whore. Get the fuck out of my room. NOW!"

*Ajax shoves Enid towards the door, Enid immediately bursting into tears*

I snap back into the present, the tingling still lingering in the back of my neck. Who was Enid talking about? Why is she planning on leaving Ajax?

"Wednesday?" I hear a voice chirp. I fully come back into present time, remembering that Enid and Mother are standing with me.

"I'm fine. Let's go to the dorms. I'm exhausted." I say, trying to sound as calm as I can muster.

There's a deep feeling of rage bubbling up inside as I keep replaying the moment Ajax put his hands on Enid. Her cries after the fact. And that word he called her. Enid is not a whore.

The rage begins to boil over as I tighten my fists.
That idiotic gorgon is going to get it.


*The girls are now back in the dorm room, Morticia having left after helping them settle in*

Enid's POV

"Wednesday are you sure you don't want to talk about what you saw?" I say, not making any effort to hide the concern in my voice.

"Enid. I told you, I am fine. It was nothing. Just a replay of the night of the fight. Let's drop it, please." Wednesday says coldly, not making eye contact. She's been messing with the blankets on her bed for awhile now, making and remaking them. I can tell something is bothering her.

Maybe a distraction will help. I haven't given her the gift I got her yet. I quickly hop up from my bed and bounce over to where I placed it, on the floor beneath our window.

"Well, if you won't talk, will you at least open the gift I got you?" I say with excitement. She looks at the gift in my hands. I wrapped it in black wrapping paper and tied it with a dark gray velvet bow. It really screams 'Wednesday'.

She takes it from my hands, finally making eye contact. I notice her gaze softens. "Thank you." she nods. I smile and start to feel giddy. "Well open it silly, come on!"

Her hands undo the ribbon and break away the paper, revealing a clothing box. She opens the box to reveal a black wool peacoat, the letters "W.A." embroidered on the neck.

"I saw it in a boutique in Jericho and immediately thought of you. I did the embroidery myself when I was bored one night. I hope you like it. If not, I'm sure I can return-"

"It's stunning, Enid, thank you." Wednesday cuts me off. She gives me the softest look I think I've ever seen her eyes make. YOU'RE stunning, Wednesday. I keep the thought in my head.

Wednesday carries the coat over to her closet and hangs it up. "I'm going to lie down to try and get a bit of sleep. This is the most I've stood and walked around in a long time and it's getting to me." She says.

"Oh, of course! I was going to go visit Ajax for a few anyways so I'll leave you to it!" I say. A hanger suddenly falls to the floor from Wednesday jerking it too hard on the rack. Wednesday freezes.

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