A Bad Dream, an Unconsious Raven, and a Lot of Hand Holding

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Enid's POV

"Where is she? Where's Wednesday?"
"Miss Sinclair. We're so terribly sorry to tell you, but-"
"No. Don't."
"Don't. Don't say it. You're lying. You're LYING!"
"Wednesday sustained too much life-threatening trauma to make it, we-
"-Did everything we could but-"

"NO!" I scream, my body jolting awake. It was a dream. It was just a dream.
I look around at my surroundings. I'm in bed?
I rub my eyes. They feel like gritty sandpaper. My throat feels like it hasn't touched water in years. "Wednesday?" I whisper. My surroundings are becoming more clear and I begin to recall the memories of last night's events.

I'm in the hospital. Right... But where IS Wednesday?
A memory of me carrying an unconscious Wednesday to the infirmary flashes in my head. All of the blood, my screams... Her... Is she alive?

I tried to deny my feelings for Wednesday for so long. I was with Ajax, well, technically AM with Ajax still. Wednesday and I are just polar opposites. Night and day. The moon and the sun. She hasn't done much to show any sort of liking towards me. And yet, there's just something pulling me to her in a way I can't yet comprehend. But seeing her on the brink of death made me realize how scared I am to lose her.

I need to see her. I need to know she's okay.

Wednesday's POV

"Your daughter has sustained severe trauma to the abdomen from what we suspect is a stab wound, and this trauma has resulted in a tremendous amount of blood loss. She's currently in an unconscious state. But she's alive, miraculously. We're closely monitoring her and will continue to update you both with any news we have. We're very sorry you have to go through this difficult time Mr and Mrs Addams."

"Do you know when she might wake up?"

"At this point in time, it's hard telling. Could be a few days... Could be a few weeks. Only time will tell. She'll wake when she's ready. In the meantime, you two go and get some rest. We'll take care of her."

Mother? Father? I can hear their voices, why can't I see them? I will my eyes to open, to sit up, but nothing will move. Why can I not move? I try again to open my eyes, but the darkness pulls me back under.





"-going to be okay? Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

"Miss Sinclair, she's been through a great ordeal of stress and trauma. Her body needs time to heal."

"I just want to see her. I NEED to see her. I miss her."

Enid? Is that Enid talking? Why can't I open my damn eyes? This has got to be some version of Hell I've succumbed to.

"Wednesday, if you can hear me. I'm SO sorry. I should've noticed you were hurt sooner. I'm so sorry. Please just wake up... For me. Please?"

Is she crying? Normally I'd find this display of emotion as an annoyance. But right now it's making me feel... Unsettled? I'm upset to be hearing her crying? Get a grip, Addams.

I can feel my eyelids fluttering. Finally!

I swallow to try and get my throat in working condition. "Enid?"

Enid's POV

"Enid?" I faintly hear. I shoot my head up so quickly that it feels I actually might have given myself whiplash. Did I imagine that? "Wednesday? Did you say something?" I ask, hoping and praying she answers. I grab Wednesday's hand and immediately feel her squeeze my fingers.

"Oh my god! Wends! Hey! You're waking up!"

"Don't call me that." Wednesday whispers.

I can feel tears running down my cheeks. The happiest tears I've had in a long time.
"I thought I lost you! It was so scary. I'm so glad you're okay!" I cry, holding onto Wednesday's hand for dear life as if she might disappear. "You can't get rid of me that easily," Wednesday says with her usual cutting tone. I didn't think I'd miss that as much as I have.

Wednesday eventually falls asleep, and I fall asleep alongside her too, still holding onto her hand, making sure she doesn't go anywhere.

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