Chapter Six: Flashback Memories: Family Trip

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there will be certain parts that will be a memory that happened in Julie's life or Derek's. some of them will be both of them that i did not write in the first book. I just thought it would be interesting to do flashback chapters in this story every so often. enjoy :)



in the back of her sister jades car her and derek sit back there. while Jillian, and Jaylee sit in front of them. jades boyfriend Lukas driving and Jade in the passenger seat. they jam out to some music, crack stupid jokes, and snack on the food and drinks they have for the trip. traveling from California to Orlando Florida. they could have bought plane tickets but with a big family it wasn't cheap and since they have kids who can drive they took three cars. Jaxson drives with stuff packed in his car and Junyor in the passenger seat of his car. while jade has some stuff packed in her trunk and in the floorboards. and the mother Jazelle drives along with all the other kids and little things packed since she has to have car seats and booster seats for the younger ones.

Julies POV.

in the back of my sister jades car me and derek sit in the very back having it all to ourselves. i lay on him as he wraps his arm around me. "so have you heard from your dad?" Lukas says aloud so we can all hear it but its mostly towards jade. "nope and honestly don't care if i ever hear from him again. he's a piece of shit!" jade says in response. "i agree after what i heard, i wish he wasn't my biological dad." jaylee says all the attention goes to her. lukas focuses on driving. "why would you say that sweetie?" lukas says to my almost eleven year old sister. "uh he killed my sister and is a total psychopath. he tried to kill Julie also but she survived it." she says in response. 'i forgot you were there when the truth came out.' i say leaning up from derek and leaning against the back of the seat where my two younger sisters sit. she looks at me. "i just don't get why mom would stay with a monster?" 'she only stayed for us Jay.' she scuffs and looks away. "moms an idiot." jade just snorts out in laughter which makes us all began to laugh even derek. "what it's true." jaylee says, looking back at me and then back to the front.


laying back in the seat cuddled up next to derek and his arm wraps around her. it gets dark out and lukas puts on some soothing music to help everyone sleep. since him being a vampire and werewolf he can go days without sleeping. he has a special ring that helps him walk in the sun and just be in it so it won't burn him. julie and derek drift off asleep along with jaylee. but lukas, jade, and jillian stay up a bit. jillian turns to look at her sister and her derek fast asleep. she turns back around and leans forward. "pst jade." she turns to look at her younger sister. "hm?" "give me the camera. i wanna take a picture of julie and derek sleeping." she leans down and grabs the camera from her purse. she hands it to her.

"let's hope the flash doesn't wake them. Ju would be pissed." jillian takes it and smiles. "it's worth it." she leans back and sits up in the seat to take the picture of them. the flash goes off and she looks at it as she sits back in the seat. "that's a good one." jillian says as she leans up to show jade. "aw, that's so cute." jade says in response. she takes the camera from her. "babe look." she says towards lukas who looks at the picture. he's a good driver. he can go without looking for a minute. he smiles at the picture. "that's sweet. reminds me of my sister and her boyfriend." he looks back to the road. "i'm sorry." jade says as she lays the camera on her lap and takes her hand to rub his arm. "it's okay she's in a better place. i hope at least." he sighs and grips the steering wheel. paying attention to the road in front of him.

a couple years ago Lukas lost his younger sister Lola to a vampire hunter. she didn't harm or hurt anyone she just fell in love with the vampire hunters son. she was a sweet and bright girl. she killed her own kind if they even touched a human and drank from them. blood bags or animal blood is the only thing she would approve of if you were her friend or family. Lukas used to be a ripper who would drain human blood and tear their bodies apart and scatter them all over the house. until Lola told him if he doesn't stop she doesn't want him in her life anymore.

so he changed and started drinking only from blood bags and animal blood. be this sister meant everything to him. she was all he had left and when he lost her he lost himself but luckily he had jade to be there for him. so he didn't turn into a ripper again. he still drinks from blood bags and animal blood. it reminds him of her and he doesn't want to disappoint her even if she is dead. he always wants to make his little sister proud. jade and her family are a big help and accepting of who he is. her sisters and brothers are like his younger siblings. but him and Jaxson don't really get along. there's a big reason on why.

Julies POV.

i get woken up by derek who leans up meaning he's awake. it's now morning. i lean up and look around. nobody is in the car we're at a rest stop. i turn to look at derek who smiles at me. "good morning, beautiful." i smile and peck his lips. i pull away and he smiles at me. 'i gotta pee.' i say and he just chuckles. i climb over the seat and my ass cheek is hanging out. "that's hot." he says as he pulls my shorts down. i flop over the seats and lean up. 'thanks.' he smiles as i lean against the seat he leans in and kisses my lips. the passenger door opens and we pull apart. "oh good you're up." i hear my sister jades voice who sticks her head in. i turn to look at her. "we're almost to our hotel just five more hours."

'well good thing we stopped i gotta piss.' i grab my shoes and put them on as i open the back door. 'you coming der?' i look to him and he climbs over the seat. i hop out and he's behind me closing the door. he grabs my hand and we walk towards the cute building. nobody is in here but my family. "aye looks who's up." junyor says as he walks up to us. 'how long did we even sleep?' "like twelve hours." jillian comes walking beside my twin. 'it was not.' "actually gorgeous." i turn my head to look at derek. "you did sleep twelve hours. i was up and down."

i hum a little shocked i slept that long in a car. probably because i had derek here so it was easier i don't know. but it's been fun road-trip with my family and derek. and yes we did do the deed in a hotel room but we aren't gonna talk about that. just been having fun going to new places not having a destination. i hope we can keep doing things like this and nothing goes wrong. and that derek and i work out and keep hanging out. hell only a girl can only hope.

(how come my old essays from high school (i haven't been in hs in 4 yrs🙃) but they were better than my writing skills today😭)

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