Chapter One: Welcome Back

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hello and welcome to the first Chapter of
'The Witchwolf Returns'
the second book of my series.
my first book
'Beacon Hills Witchwolf'
took place with a young Derek and my character. and now it is seven years later.
this story takes place in the Teen Wolf series but will be my own writing and some from show.
also might be all over the place. and im sorry for that😅
enjoy the story : )

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Julies POV.

never thought i would be back here. after everything that has happened in this town when i was a teenager. i didn't think i would be back. but here i am.

i've returned to Beacon Hills where i met the guy who was my first love and then everything fell apart and changed. a lot has changed over the past seven years. i've graduated high school early in Virginia at seventeen and moved to go to college in Florida.

after my freshman year of college it was hard for me. i lost some close family friends and my little siblings jaylee and jagger because of him. and almost jillian but her life was speared along with so many others.

during my break heading into sophomore year of college i couldn't take it anymore and i killed him. his Alpha powers went to me. it was hard on me at first but i pulled through. i know how to control it all now. thanks to Israel, my moms husband.

but being back here feels weird. nothing has really changed. all looks the same except for derek's old house which is still burnt down. of course i went there.

i was hoping i'd see him there. but knowing him he's either out, or no longer comes around or he's hiding. he wouldn't know my car anyways. we haven't seen each other in years. hell he probably forgot about me.

i just feel like an idiot for holding on. i'm an adult now and sometimes i question who i am still. but hey that's life. i'm doing good or at least i'm trying to.

i'm driving down my old street to the end of our family home. my mother jazelle and family moved back to Virginia after everything went down when i was sixteen.

i got to know my actual father and stay with him a bit. but i haven't seen my birth father since my sophomore year of college after i killed my adoptive father jeremy. i'm just confused on if i did something to make him go. if me killing jeremy was the reason. but he deserved it and my father should understand that.

i got my degree in teaching. i have an interview later today at the high school i was only at for almost two years. hopefully i get the job. i'd start monday if i do. i mean i just graduated college like last year. i was in school for almost five years. It could've been shorter but i had family issues. like always. even though he's dead.

luckily my twin brother lives in our family home with his wife bailey who is a sweetheart and also my best friend. we met when we moved back to Virginia. i graduated early though and junyor didn't. so i had to leave them all because i found a great school that was for me in Florida and plus i wanted to be on the beach everyday.

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