The butterfly

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My eyes force themselves open feeling the heaviness of my eyelids, sleep never overcame me quickly. It was a long process, however the comfortable bed they had me sleeping in helped me relax quite quickly. My eyes still felt sleepy but my body felt like it had finally rested well.

Nerves over came me as i realised I'd have to leave this room and confront 2 large, intimidating men. Taking a deep breathe I pull the covers back and head to the bathroom, a quick shower always helped me feel refreshed.

A clear head was the main skill to controlling my gift, and a shower had always provided that.

After stepping out into the steamy room I grab some of my clothes from my backpack. A last glance in the mirror before leaving the room helped settle my nerves.

My wavey wet hair hung over my shoulders with my feathered fringe shaping my face, a simple black vest top brought out the tanned colour in my skin. My skinny jeans clung to my thighs showing the boldness of them as they slowly grew slimmer down to my ankles.

I added a very small amount of eyeliner at the tips of my eyelids, befkre adding mascara. My long lashes bat softly as I'm happy with my image. After adding some lip balm so the cold doesn't get to my lips, I head out of the room still slightly nervous about seeing the guys.

After my confession to Zander about my past, i feel more vonurable. Hopefully he's forgotten all about it.

I feel slightly bad that a women would break his heart like that. I can't imagine feeling so loved by someone only for the to call u a monster the next day. We got off on the wrong foot from the start, either one of us to blame. Hopefully that's behind us now.

The floor boards creak as i slowly walk down the wooden stairs, a delicious smell of bacon hovers under my nose. I can tell its crisped to perfection just by the smell of it.

Pearing into the kitchen I see Zander at the cooker with a frying pan in one hand, I slowly walk further in seeing he hasn't noticed me yet. "Do you like bacon?" His deep voice hum taking me by surprise.

He didn't even look at me.

How did he know I was here?

"Yea" I mumble out, Zander begins plating up some bacon. 3 plates were placed neatly on the table with a couple peices of bacon on each one.

"Eggs?" He asks raising an eyebrow, I shake my head softly. He hums in acceptance before dishing out the scrambled eggs between the two plates.

His eyes rest on the plate infront of me as if in deep thought, he then turns to the bowl of different fruits. "Oranges?" He asks picking one up, I nod my head   a little too eager.

A soft, deep chuckle escapes his lips before he starts chopping the orange into slices. I like this side to Zander, before he seemed angry and controlling but now he seems like he wouldn't hurt a fly.

"What would you like to drink?" He asks as he places the oranges onto my plate seeming more satisfied with the portion he's given me. "What do you have?" I says, scolding myself on the inside for sounding so damn timid.

A gentle smile raises his lips before heading to the fridge, "orange juice, apple juice or pineapple?" That's quite a good selection. "Pineapple please" he takes it out before filling up a glass with the delicious content.

I can't remember the last time I had a breakfast like this.

Rick usualy buys or makes me food before or after work knowing I never take the time to eat. I appreciate his food but its never looked as good as this.
"If you want some more, your welcome to help yourself" Zanders voice sends a particular feeling through my body, a safe one. Warm.

The door suddenly opens behind us, turning in my chair I see Darias walking in shirtless. I can't help but gauge at the site of his body.

His toned abs tensed at his movements, his v line was as sharp as a knife. The biceps that hung on hid arms looked like they weighed a ton but seemed like nothing to the way he was walking.

The tattoos on his chest and arms only added to his intimidation yet drew more curiosity within me. I wonder if any of them have a meaning?

"Lilah, eat up" Zanders stern like tone grabbed my attention making me swivel back round. My eyes slowly move over to where Zander is sitting, his eyes r now down on his food giving me no veiw of his facial features, however, his hand clenched round his fork harshly.

His knuckles turn slightly white as his veins buldge out of his arms.

I hear Darias's footsteps get further away allowing me to concentrate on my food. The bacon and fruit was really good, the crispness was the best part.

"How did you sleep?" A deep voice startles me slightly, Darias walks into the kitchen now hiding his perfectly tones torso with a black shirt. "Good" I mumble.

He looks down at his plate before sitting down "Thank you Zander" he gestures with a nod, Zander gives a small nod back without even looking up.

Had something happened between them? The atmosphere in the room seemed slightly weird.

Once I had finished my food i got up to take my plate to the sink but Zander had  beaten me to it. His sudden change in mood still had me confused. Yesterday his hatred for me was apparent, but now he's completely changed.

It suddenly enters my mind that I have a job, with no idea where I am it'll take me ages to get there. I'm already late. "I have to get to work" I say softly with a slight panicked tone, both Darias and Zander look at me.

"Your not going to work today. I talked to Rick, he's fine with it" Darias's voice seemed stern. With no room to argue I sigh sitting down.

"We need to work on your controll, get some shoes on and meet me out side" he says before exiting the room after taking one last swig of his drink. His tone of voice showed he seemed mad at me, but that could just be how he is.

I look up at Zander feeling  a pair of eyes on me. I was right. His eyes met mine, him making no effort to look away. He leans his back against the counter "you'll be fine, go get your shoes on" I nod my head following his orders.

It's like Zander and Darias have swapped personalities. I thought it was Zander I'd have to watch out for, maybe it's Darias. He is an Alpha after all.

A small sinking feeling in my stomach begins to tell me this wasn't such a good idea.

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