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A slight weight pushes against my chest, looking down my eyes are met with a young girl sleeping peacefully. Her arms cuddled to her chest while her body cuddles against mine, softly I move my arms to support her body as I gently lay her down on the bed before tucking her in. A minute goes by as I admire the beauty in front of me, quickly shaking the thoughts from my head I quietly get up and leave the room.

It's not weird to feel like this about someone I just met, right? She's only 18, it's probably just a natural protective instinct. Walking down the hall I manage to calm the slowly building storm inside my head, lifting my hand to the door before tapping a few gentle knocks. "Come in" Darias deep voice fills my ears, I can tell by the tone of his voice he's in a calm mood. After allowing my shoulders to relax I enter the room seeing Darias sat behind his desk reading over some papers.

"Did she eat? His voice echous through the room softly bouncing of the walls, his eyes don't even leave the papers. "Yes, she's asleep now" I inform him. "Mhm" is all he responds with. Darias was a strong, powerful leader in our pack. He wasn't one to get hooked up on a girl, his pack always came first.

However, him overnight to help her seemed more personal than buisness. The silence in the air was defining, the questions tormented me in my head. "Something else you want to say?" His cold voice cut through the silence, "having a witch staying in our house seems a little unusual, is there any particular reason you want to help her so bad?"I finally ask, I softly suck in a breathe of air waiting for an answer I may not like.

"She can be useful to the pack" his response was short but it allowed me to breathe out a sigh of releife. He finally looks up at me leaning back in his chair, "I had a dream about her" his words were thrown at me like a bullet.


Too our kind this was a big deal, if you dreamt about a certain person it meant you were likely soulmates. Explains why she's living in our house right now. I want to be happy for him but I can't find any true emotions of excitement about this.

Faking a smile "Congrats, I'm happy for you Darias" I could see in his own mind he had mixed feelings about this. He always explained how he didn't care for a soul mate or even a lover, he had more important things to take care off.

A part of me wonders whether he'll pursue this or leave her be.

After saying goodnight to Darias I headed off to my room, my eyes lay on her bedroom door. What's wrong with me? Why couldnt I feel that happy for him? He'll treat her right, won't he? Why am I even questioning this?!

A small fustrated groan leaves my lips before I open my door and head inside, all I wanted to do was sleep. 5 minutes went by before I was stripped down to boxers and already in bed. Allowing my bed to consume,I let out a long sigh. My eyes slowly shut allowing myself to relax into a sleepy state.

It felt like a couple hours had passed before I heard something. My wolf inside feels alert, getting up I quickly head to my door opening it. The sound seems to be coming from Lilah's bedroom. Is she ok? Quickly head over I softly knock on the door before opening it.

She lay there quietly asleep, I swear I heard something. Turning around I head out of the room. "Zander?" I small soft spoken voice calls my name, turning around is her bright voice like eyes. "Everything okay?" I ask softly moving towards the bed.

She stretches out her hand "can you lay with me please?" It was hard to say no with her looking at me so cutely. I nod my head before getting into bed. A part of me felt like I should be respecting Darias's dream however right now everything feels fuzzy other than thoughts about her.

Laying next to her I hadn't expect her to cuddle into my chest, the warm feeling spreads through my chest making a small smile tilt at my lips. I softly stroke her hair soothing her back to sleep, her delicious scent filled my nose.

Looking up at the ceiling, my thoughts seemed to dissapear, I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time. I looking down towards Lilah who's looking up still me, the seconds go by really fast before I realise her face is moving closer to mine. She stopped a couple cm away. However, my body had different ideas. I instantly closed the gap smashing my lips to hers, softly kissing my hands wonder through her hair down to her waist.

Her lips are so soft, I dominate the kiss slightly while being gentle the thought of scaring her made me hate myself. My hands find there way to her waist where I lift her up on top of me, finally breaking the kiss I look up at her as she as her eyes relax onto mine. Her eyes are the most beautiful I've ever seen, the blur and purple mixing together creates the perfect colour.

My eyes suddenly snap open.

Instantly sitting up, small gasps leave my lips as I realise what had just happend.

This can't be happening! Darias already had a dream about her. How could I have had one as well?!

What does this mean?

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