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My room was beautiful, a big double bed lay in the middle with a mountain of fluffy blankets and pillows, a wooden draw case sat bellow the big TV opposite my bed, my own little bathroom was only next door. A fluffy rug melted into the floor. How is this place so nice?  "It's getting late, you should eat something and then head to bed" Darias says. "What would you like to eat?" He asks. "I-I'm not hungry" I give him an unusual sweet smile. He looks at me with a questioning look and cocked eyebrow, "be downstairs to eat in 20 minutes" he says before leaving the room. I sigh.

My body flops onto the bed snuggling into the fluffy, silkyness of the blankets. A warm, relaxing heat radiates through the room. No more cold nights. I smile at the thought. Eventualy quite some time as gone by as I lay comfortably on the bed, forcibly pulling myself off I head downstairs. Once I find my way to the kitchen I enter smelling something delicious. Zander and Darias take in turns standing by the stove while attending to some other things.

Can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal. "Hey, take a seat. Foods ready" Darias says. "I said I wasn't hungry" he looks at me "I said take a seat" he says firmly. I slowly do as he says. They place three plates on the table, each one filled with spaghetti. I haven't had this in years. It smells so good but I can't bring myself to eat it. I remember the faint words my parents used to say while we sat at the dinner table. "You dont get any good if you haven't earned it" I was 6, they would eat there food while I sat with an empty plate and watched.

My grades weren't good so I didn't earn the food, my powers would sometimes affect the lightbulbs making them flash causing me to go hungry at night. If they knew I had set people on fire I would never have gotten this, it's like they are rewarding me for almost killing someone. "Hey, everything okay? Eat up" Darias voice echous into my head disrupting my thoughts.

I look up to see them both looking my way, I'm stumped for words. "I'm not feeling well, I'm going to go lay down" I say standing of before they can argue. The whole time I lay on the bed looking at the ceiling, my mind couldn't grasp what had just happened.

Are they okay with murdering?

Wait. Are they murderers?

Do they want me to be one?

I take a deep breathe realising I'm allowing my mind to go s bit too crazy. Looking at the clock on the bedside table I notice it's already 10pm. My stomach hurts, after smelling that food and not eating it, this feels like torture. A sudden knock on the door grabs my attention, I'm surprised to see Zander walk in. A bowl in one hand and glass of water in the other, he places them on the beside table.

"I said I'm not-" "I know but you need to eat something" he seems different. Less annoying. "Drink this" he hands me the glass of water before sitting on the edge of the bed. I take the water gulping a few small sips before handing it back to him. After he places it on the counter he picks up the bowl of spaghetti. "Once you taste it you might realise you are hungry" Why's he being so nice?

It reminds me of when he drove me in his car, his gentle nudge to wake me up. His eyes held so much kindness. I refuse to take the bowl, he sighs before placing the bowl on the bed next to me and getting up. Every step he took closer to the door the more my guilt grew. "Wait" I mumble before his hand touches the door handle.

His eyes turn to look at me in surprise, "I'm sorry...for what I said earlier" I say not wanting to make eye contact. I hear his footsteps get closer towards the bed. "It's okay, no hard feelings" he says it so carelessly yet he looked so sad earlier. "No, I was rude and I shouldn't have said it" my eyes dart to every part of the room except him. "I appreciate your apology, thank you" my chest feels lighter once those words leave his lips.

"Can I ask you something?" I said softly before sitting back onto the edge of the bed,I nod my head cautiously. "Why won't you eat?" I was afraid to answer the question but more embarressed. They clearly did things differently in this house than in mine. "I didn't earn it" i say honestly. He looks at me with a face filled with confusion. "And what the hell makes you think that?" He asks, I'm ashamed to say it out loud. Maybe I really am dangerous. "Is this about what happened in the alleyway? I nod my head in shame.

"Lilah, everyone makes mistakes and you were only defending yourself. I don't want this to hover on your mind, this isn't something you need to worry about" his words were comforting. Once again another weight has been lifted from my chest. "Who taught you that food was something u had to earn?" I look up at him more ashamed than ever. "My parents" I mumble.

He looks shocked. "Did they not feed you?" I stay quiet. I hear a small sigh leaves his lips. He picks up the bowl and places it into the counter before sitting next to me on the bed. "I'm going to tell you a secret okay, bit it stays between us" I nod my head. "A couple years ago I fell in live with this women, she was my everything and she was so perfect. I felt like I could trust her with my secret, and I did" he sighed a sad sigh, I could feel his body grow tense. "What happend?" I ask curiously. He looks down at me before smilling, he slowly brings his hand up to my cheek moving a stray piece of hair out of my face without coming into contact with my skin.

He leans over to the counter and picks up the bowl "if you eat one spoonful of this I will tell you" he says handing me the bowl. Intruiged to find out I slowly swivle the spaghetti onto the fork. Hesitation hangs in the air for a minute before I put the spaghetti into my mouth.

This is so good! The source is amazing! I look up to see Zander smiling proudly. "Tell me" I say softly after munching on the spaghetti, he chuckles softly before continuing. "She couldn't except me for who I was, she called me a monster and left. She never came back, never answered my calls or texts" the guilt settles in my chest again.

"I don't think your a monster" I whisper, he looks down at me and smiles "thank you" I return the smile. Silence hung in the air for a bit before something popped into my head. "Why are you telling me this? You barely know me?" He looks in thought. "You seem like you could use someone to talk to" he told me something so meaningful and I barely told him anything. I was so rude to him earlier. "My parents left me" I mumble, I feel his eyes suddenly on me, too embarressed to look up I keep my eyes on the bowl in my lap. "They were really nice..and then my powers started to show and they just...changed" I fiddles the fork in the spaghetti thinking about that day that haunts me. "I was 9, I came home from school one day and everything was gone. They were gone. I waited for weeks thinking they had just took a little holiday, but they never came back" I feel the tears building in my eyes remembering the heartbreak I felt, the amount of times I screamed there names before crying myself to sleep.

I feel a hand hover under my chin before coming into contact and softly lifting my chin up, another hand goes below my cheek as I feel a thumb wipe away a tear that had escaped. "I am so sorry they did that to you, no one should ever have to go through that" he seemed genuin. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me into your chest.  "We will never abandon you" I lean against his chest forgetting about the stupid rule I made. His embrace felt so good, my body felt exhausted and I didn't want to be alone right now. I could feel myself drifting of as my eyes become heavy.

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