Chapter 3

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Neo's POV:

Another day.

Another boring day. 3 months ago, I broke up with my girlfriend. I did loved her.

I just don't think it's working.

Tomorrow, school starts and I just hope that I can start a new life.

My phone started ringing...

Incoming call from an unknown number.

I clicked the accept button...

"Hey. Mr. Roberts? Your friend, Ms. Smith was found dead. Her blood was drained. An animal attack. Can you please tell your Mother to go down the office, this is urgent."

"I will."

I hunged up.

Erika died? How? Drain of blood? What kind of animal is that?

"Mom! Someone called me and they said you need to go to the office."

"Ok. Thanks son. I'll be back."

She hurried down to her car.

I wonder what's up in this town.

I'm bored so I decided to go out, get coffee or something.

But before that, I went to visit my Grandad in the cemetery. He's like my dad. After my biological father left me, my grandad took care of me while my mom was working abroad.

It's been a year, but I still don't get why or how he died tho.

Then I remembered, he also died because of an animal attack, the same way Erika died.

After I left the cementery, I saw 3 beautiful girls, and I can't help but stare at one of them. Pretty brown orbs. How can you resist that beauty.

I wish I have the guts to talk to her, like what my brother, james would do. He's the favorite, while I'm the messed up one.

I decided to get coffee, sat there with a good book then someone approached me.

"Hi." One of the girls, but with pretty blue orbs.

"Uhmm, hello? Can I help you?"

"I'm Yna, I just moved back here with my best friends and I'm kinda hoping you could help us get into school."

Jolly one.

"Sure thing, maybe meet me tomorrow? 6:30am at the TimberlineWolves campus."

Well, I can roll with this.

"Thanks. Seeyou."

Then I watched her walk to her friend. We made Eye contact but, she looked away. I wonder why.

I walked out of the coffee shop and decided to take a walk.

I was picking a song that's playing on my ipod then... I accidentaly bumped into someone.

"Oh! My bad I'm sorry... I- I.. I wasn-" I cut her off.

"It's fine, don't worry."

"I wasn't looking."

She's so cute.

"Neither do I. It's fine. I'm sorry too."

She smiled at me.

"I'm Neo. Are you new here?"

"I'm Kai, yeah I just moved back with my bestfriends."

"Are you busy? I mean maybe I can show you around?"

"I'd love that."

I'm getting a hang of this.

"So, why'd you guys moved back here?"

"We just want to start a new life, you know. How long have you been here?"

"I was born and raised here in Timberline Falls. My ancestors were here since the 1866."

"Really? What do you know about the 1866?"

"Well... my grand dad told me that there were Vampires, witches, and wolves. Crazy right? Total non-sense."

"Really? What if they exist?"

"Nah. There's no such thing as vampires."

"Oh, my sister is calling."

"Uhhmm, I need to go. See you around, Neo."

Well.. that was weird.

I went home and found my brother.

"What's up little bro?"

"I'm gonna go head up stairs."

I just hope tomorrow, something will change. I'm so fed up with same old same old.


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