Chap 10: Fixing Sakura's camera

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I wrote half of this during class lmao

and this chapter might be boring, so im thinking of reacting to some other stuff (like in chap 6:  the white room) in the next chap before continuing w sudo's case.

"Alright, on to the next video!" Bob announced. 

Context: After Sakura's camera was broken.

There were some incredibly famous, nationally known stores that did business with our school. Even though their customers were only students and the stores themselves weren't too very big, they sold items for everyday use and electronic appliances. 

"Let's see, I'm sure they have a repair counter somewhere. Let's check it out." 

While Kushida headed towards the back of the store, I wondered just how many times she'd come here. Sakura and I followed close behind.

"I wonder if they'll fix it right away..." 

Sakura, looked rather anxious as she took out her digital camera and held it tight. 

"You really love your camera, don't you?" I asked. 

"Yeah. It's weird, isn't it?"

"Nope! Everybody has their own hobbies and things they treasure!" Haruka said as she hugged Airi.

"No, not at all. It's a good hobby to have, isn't it? I get the feeling there's a significant story attached to that camera. It'd be great if they fixed it soon." 


"There it is! The repairs counter." 

The store was crowded with a huge number of products and difficult to navigate, but towards the back was the place where they handled repairs. 


For some reason, Sakura suddenly stopped in her tracks. When I glanced over at her, I noticed she was wearing an expression of blatant fear and revulsion. It seemed that something had upset her quite a bit. However, when I followed Sakura's line of sight, I saw nothing out of the ordinary. 

"What's the matter, Sakura-san?" Kushida asked. 

She also must've thought Sakura's behavior was strange.

"Ah, umm... Well..." 

Although it seemed like she was about to say something, all Sakura did was shake her head and take a deep breath.

"It's nothing." 

She donned an earnest smile, and walked to the repair counter. Kushida and I exchanged looks, but decided to follow her. Maybe it really was nothing, like she said. Kushida talked to the store clerk and asked him to repair the digital camera. Meanwhile, incredibly bored, I checked out the appliances on display.

Kushida's worldly wisdom was certainly impressive. Even though it was her first time meeting the store clerk, she was soon talking to him as if they were longtime friends. Sakura, the camera's owner, spoke only when she needed to give her consent or to clarify something. Even so, the store clerk appeared pretty fired up. He aggressively engaged Kushida in conversation, without even pausing for a breath. Although I could just barely hear the conversation, it sounded like he was asking Kushida on a date. He asked if she wanted to see a certain female idol's concert, which was being screened over in the theater. 

"Wait... isn't this guy the disgusting pervert? I heard he got fired," Shinohara said, disgust written all over her face.

"Oh yeah, I remember now! The school probably found out about his perverted nature and fired him. That's great for us girls." Mori replied.

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