Chap 5: interlude 1 + piano and calligraphy

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I honestly did not expect manabu's confrontation to win but sure, here's the chap.

Btw if y'all still want the part where Kushida gets exposed I'm gonna put it as one of the options at the end of the next chapter (I have smtg planned for the next one) since it was a pretty close vote and i honestly think it's important for the story. But I do understand if u dun want it (I think. The reasons are just what I made up in my mind that seemed reasonable)


"And so, the video has ended! It's already 6 p.m., so you're allowed to leave. Come back by 9 a.m. tomorrow morning, or else Class Points might be deducted! Bye!" Bob said, and with that, everyone started moving.

I was walking back to my dormitory while checking my phone for notifications.

Horikita had just sent a message that read: Everyone, please meet up on Deck 3 in 15 minutes for a class meeting. 

With that, I turned around and headed to Deck 3.

Along the way, I could feel some curious stares and glances directed towards me. The more prominent stares were from the 3rd years, on Nagumo's instructions. I just ignored them.

 When I reached Deck 3, only Horikita and Kushida were there, conversing with each other. 

They spotted me and Horikita gave me a quick nod of acknowledgement while Kushida smiled at me with her fake face and greeted me cheerily.

Then, they went back to talking with each other. I could imagine Kushida with her angel face talking harshly while Horikita, unperturbed, conversed with her normally.

I left them there and moved to the other side of the deck.

Soon, the whole class, except Koenji, was present on the deck. Horikita faced them and started talking.

"I called you all here to discuss about the videos shown. It was extremely unlucky for Ayanokoji to have been chosen as the videos' main character." 

At this everyone nodded. "But why him, though? That question was always on my mind throughout the videos," Maezono said, glancing at me with a curious look.

"I think... I have quite a good idea of why he was chosen. But that's not what this meeting's for. If Ayanokoji-kun's POV is always shown, then some of our class's weak points and strong points will inevitably be mentioned. Other classes can have a deeper understanding of our class, which will make it easier for them to attack us. So, can I ask all of you to try not to let anything concerning our class leak out? Sure, you can comment on the videos, but always think before you speak."

The class was listening attentively.

"And whatever the videos might show about Ayanokoji-kun, or any other classmate, please always stand by their side, and the class's. If what's shown seems to paint him in bad light, do not go against him. Everyone has secrets of themselves they want to keep after all. I'm sure some of you have your own secrets that might make people dislike you, so that's why you keep it to yourself," Horikita continued.

"If you have any questions that might leak stuff about the class during the videos or any sensitive information of any of our classmates, please keep them to yourself until no one else except for the class or the victim of questioning can hear them."

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