The Sacrifice

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The outfit of the chapter

Salvatore Boarding House

Emil's POV:

Damon and Stefan had gone to see Katherine, I told Damon to at least talk to her. Try to hear her out. I didn't want to go wth them. Talking about my past brought back the memories that I wanted to forget. But apparently I don't have a choice, but to remember.

I sat down at Damon's desk in ohis room. I take out my songbook. I wanted to write a new song. I haven't wrote or sang since before my parents died. I just lost interest. I started writing a new song and humming to get a good tune to start with.

Damon's POV:

Stefan and I were leaning against the walls of the entrance to the tomb.

"Please come in. There's plenty of room for all of us," Katherine's voice greeted us from somewhere inside the dark space. She looked out alittle, so we could only see her head.

"I'd rather poke my eyes out," I told her. I may have promised Emil to hear her out, but I plan to make it difficult for her.

"I'm sure Emil wouldn't be happy if you did. Besides they're such pretty eyes, which Emil agrees," Katherine said and complimented. I stood surprised that she wasn't trying to flirt with me.

"We're here for the moonstone," Stefan explained. If Katherine just handed us the moonstone, I can get back to Emil a lot quicker. I was prepared for her to ask something in return that would most likely only benefit her.

"Feel like tossing it over?" I asked her.

"Tell you what. Get your little witch or even Emil to hocus pocus me out of here, you can whatever you want," Katherine bargained.

"I thought you liked it in here. Nice and safe, where Klaus can't get you," Stefan recalled her words from yesterday, when Elena and Emil came to visit.

"I've had time to reconsider," Katherine half lied.

"Meaning you're hungry," I stated, seeing how she looked weaker.

"I'm starving, Damon. And dirty. I want to help Emil too. But above all I'm bored. At least running Klaus wasn't boring," Katherine explained truthfully, walking closer to us, "So here's the deal. You get me out of get the moonestone, I'll help protect Emil, and then I'll disapear from Mystic Falls forever. Let me know what you decide."

With that, Katherine turned back into the tomb, but not without giving me a look to trust her. I don't want to believe that she's changed and wants to help. But I can tell she was honest about protecting Emil. Emil told me that he could smell that Katherine was being truthful about wanting to be friends with him and I. Stefan and I shared a look and headed back to our house.

Emil's POV:

Somehow, Damon convinced me to go with him and Stefan to my house. Unsurprisingly, when visiting Katherine, she bargained that if she was let out of the tomb, she'd give the moonstone and help protect me. I knew she was telling the truth, but I didn't voice my opinion. I doubt Stefan would ever let her out.

"You don't believe her so you?" Elena asked, worried. We were standing in the bright colored kitchen.

"No of course not. We just want the moonstone," Stefan stated, "According to Rose's friend Slater, there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break. I knew that wasn't right. With us witches and warlocks we never make spells that easy to break. We tend to make it really difficult.

"No spell, no doppleganger sacrifice. Ergo, you live and Emil is safe," Damon explained simply.

"How do you destroy it?" Elena asked. She seemed like she wasn't that invested in the idea, which  I don't blame her for.

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