Part 46

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Victoria pov

"Get up!" Nick said coming into Chris's room

"What the fuck" Chris mumbled throwing a pillow at him and then burying his face in my neck

"Nick" I said my eyes still closed "I'm tired"

"Yeah well wake the fuck up" nick said sitting on the end of the bed "people think you're dating"

We both sat up almost immediately

"What" Chris said

"I don't know how they got "Chris and Victoria confirmed relationship" from a podcast episode" nick said "but apparently you guys don't hide things well"

"What the fuck" I said rubbing my eyes "what do we do"

"Bro ur gonna get so much hate" Chris said leaning back against the headboard

"Thanks for being positive" I said sarcastically leaning back as well

"Anytime" he added

"Do we just ignore it as per usual?" Nick asked

"I mean we can, it'll prob die down in like a week, but I dunno" he said "I don't really care when they're not real, now it's real"

"Oh my god" I said scrolling on TikTok "this is crazy"

"Chris I don't think this one will die down in a week" nick said

"Yeah but it'll be worse if I tell them don't you think" Chris said wrapping his arm around my waist

"I dunno" nick said "I don't have to deal with this, thankfully Trevor dosent have a social media platform"

"What if like, I say I have a girlfriend but like just don't tell them who" Chris said

"And am I just supposed to do the same?" I asked

"Well I mean, what ur fans saying" he asked

"Mine think it's cool that we're friends, according to TikTok, I haven't seen anything about is dating though" I said switching over to instagram "ok I lied" I said as I scrolled past a post from "victoriawestupdates" saying that, me and Chris are official

"Comments?" He asked

I opened the comments

"Not bad" i said "most don't think it's real, and the ones who do are happy I guess"

"So" he said "what now"

"Leave it?" I said "I've had hate before I think I'll be fine for a week"

Chris sighed "are you sure?"

I nodded my head "I'll be fine" I smiled "if they hate me they hate me what can you do"

Time skip

And I was fine, I stress the word was

I was doing A-OK before I stumbled upon a TikTok

It was a swipe picture one that read

"Y'all,  Chris and Victoria!"


"I mean....."


"I guess as long as he's happy..."

I shut my phone off

I always swore to myself I wasn't gonna be the "as long as ur happy bro" girlfriend

Oh fuck I need a blunt right now

I picked up my phone again and called Chris

"Hey" he said cheerfully

"Hey" I said trying to sound as cheerful as him

"What's wrong" he said, I swear even on the phone he sees right through me

"A TikTok got to my head" I said shaking my head "I'm sorry, bad time?"

"No no" he said "we just got home, you want me to come over"

"I'm ok" I said "I just want you on the phone"

Authors note

Love you

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