Part 2

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I guess it was obvious that I was looking at her, becasue everyone around me definitely notices me looking around frantically to try and figure out where she went

Sam gave Matt a look then tapped my shoulder "She went to the kitchen" he said pointing in the direction of the kitchen

As I turned to look I saw her glance at me and then go into the kitchen

I quickly looked away, I tried to cover it up by looking around the room one more time"Hmm... who" I said taking a sip of my drink, I am not playing this off well

Matt and Sam exchanged a look"Mmh" Matt said crossing his arms

I gave him an annoyed look

I looked around for a moment then said "I'm gonna go get another one" slowly backing away

"Mmh" Sam laughed "you gonna go get a phone number too" she said

I flipped them both off as I walked to the kitchen

And there she was, leaning against the counter with a red solo cup in her hand talking to someone

I walked past them hoping that she would even just look at me, and opened the fridge looking for hopefully a Pepsi

Behind me I heard her laughing, oh my god her laugh is angelic, I think I may die right here

"No you're so real for that" she said, even tho I haven't said two words to her somehow I knew it was her voice

"Oh my god he's here" the guy she was talking to said

"Go get him then" she laughed

I smiled at her voice

I luckily found what looked like the last Pepsi

I closed the fridge and turned around to see her alone now

I gave her a small smile and leaned against the counter across from her

Victoria pov

When I want to be I can be very social

I've talked to at least five people I've never met or even seen before, tonight

The guy I was just talking too was telling me about how he hates parties and only came because this guy he was talking too was supposed to be here. Eventually he saw the guy and ran off, I'm telling you I'm never this social

Then I noticed across from me Chris was standing there

We made eye contact a couple times and took me a moment to build up the confidence to say something

I took a deep breath and walked towards him "hey" I said smiling "I'm Victoria" I stood beside him leaning on the counter

He looked at me and smiled "Chris"

Chris pov

Oh my fucking god she's standing next to me

"I saw you before" she said "in the other room, you were with who I assume is your brother" she said pointing to Matt across the room

"Yeah" I said "I saw you too" I looked away from her and at Matt who was looking at me

"You guys twins" she asked looking at me

I looked back at her and smiled "Triplets" I said nodding my head "Nick, my other brother, isn't really into the whole party thing" I said "if I'm being honest neither am I, I just didn't wanna be at home" I said taking a sip of my drink

She just seems like she's so good at listening, I feel like I can trust her

"Me neither" she laughed "I just enjoy jumping around in someone's living room"

"You looked like you were having a lot of fun" I laughed

"Were you watching me" she said jokingly

Oh fuck I sound creepy "what" I said "no! I- when- oh my god" I said embarrassed

"I'm kidding" she she said putting her hand on my shoulder "I was looking at you too" she smirked

I saw Matt looking at me from across the room again

He made a face and I swear I wanted to disappear

The song changed and Victorias face changed "I love this song" she said smiling as she slowly bopped her head to the song

It was M.O.M by lil skies

"You listen to skies" i said smiling

"Some songs" she said, she looked around the room once more before meeting my eyes "his lyrics are amazing"

"No they really are" I said

Then she looked into the crowd of people where her friend was waving her over

"I'm gonna go bounce around some more before the song ends" she laughed slowly backing away "it was nice meeting you" she smiled

"You too" I said smiling as well

I wanted to talk to her more. I wanted to ask for her instagram or something, anything!

"I'll see you around" she said waving as she walked back to her friend

Her friend had this shocked face on "oh my his Victoria!" She said excitedly

She just laughed shaking her head and looking back at me once more

Authors note
Love you

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